Sing Me a Song
- Sing Me a Song
- £50,- Cashback Please
- Children of Jack (von Harmony Glen feat. Guy Forsyth)
- Good Morning to Your Nightcap
- The Rambling Rover s
- You and Me and the Devil Makes Three (von Harmony Glen feat. Ye Banished Privateers)
- The Darkest Sound
- The Longer the Waiting (The Sweeter the Kiss)
- Andy Renwick’s Ferret
- The Doctor’s Inn
- Hieland Laddie (von Harmony Glen feat. Annie Rie)
- Jock Stewart (von Harmony Glen feat. Rapalje)
- Johnny Flintstone
- Happy Song (von Harmony Glen feat. Sol Heilo)
- Dutch Courage
- Mingulay Boat Song (von Harmony Glen feat. Sean Reeves)