
Hans Zimmer & James Newton Howard Songtexte
Aggressive Expansion Like a Dog Chasing Cars

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  1. Molossus
  2. Vespertilio
  3. Eptesicus
  4. Myotis
  5. Barbastella
  6. Artibeus
  7. Tadarida
  8. Macrotus
  9. Antrozous
  10. Nycteris
  11. Corynorhinus
  12. Lasiurus
  13. Why So Serious?
  14. I'm Not A Hero
  15. Harvey Two-Face
  16. Aggressive Expansion
  17. Blood on My Hands
  18. A Little Push
  19. Like a Dog Chasing Cars
  20. And I Thought My Jokes Were Bad
  21. Introduce a Little Anarchy
  22. Watch the World Burn
  23. A Dark Knight
  24. Batman Begins: Eptesicus
  25. Eptesicus (From 'Batman Begins')
  26. Fateful Night
  27. Preparing / Birthday
  28. Rachel in the Cave
  29. Not Home for Long
  30. Officer Down
  31. Masks / Rebuilding / Never Have to
  32. Where Is Harvey Dent
  33. One More Container / The Kid
  34. Halfway to Hong Kong
  35. Your Anger Gives You Great Power
  36. You Still Haven't Given Up on Me?
  37. Backup
  38. Vengeance
  39. Asylum Fight
  40. Bruce Sees Rachel
  41. Vengeance, Part II
  42. Confrontation With Falcone
  43. Training
  44. Bank Robbery (Prologue)
  45. A Narrow Rescue
  46. Stranger
  47. Buyer Beware
  48. The Chase
  49. Hit Me!
  50. What Is Necessary
  51. Where Are You
  52. Train Fight
  53. You're Gonna Love Me
  54. Court
  55. Batman Prepares
  56. The Dark Knight
  57. The Test
  58. Police
  59. Last Laugh
  60. Vengeance, Part I
  61. Rebuilding
  62. Vaporisation
  63. Gunpowder and Gasoline
  64. Attack on Rachel / Falcone Arrested
  65. I'm Batman
  66. Social Experiment
  67. Hong Kong
  68. Meeting With Lucius Fox
  69. A Narrows Rescue
  70. Phone Call
  71. Where Are You?
  72. One Rule
  73. A Watchful Guardian
  74. End Credits
  75. The Cave, Part II / Costume Montage, Part I / Meeting With Gordon
  76. No Limits
  77. Mob Meet
  78. Opening Title / Young Bruce
  79. Two Face's Hunt
  80. You're Fired
  81. Chaos
  82. Morality of Chance
  83. Travelling the World
  84. Why So Serious
  85. Travels
  86. Ra's Al Ghul at the Party
  87. Batman Joins Narrows
  88. Theft of Wayne Enterprises
  89. Alfred Saves Bruce
  90. It's Over
  91. Confrontation With Ra's Al Ghul
  92. On the Roof
  93. Bruce Spies Falcone / Costume Montage, Part II
  94. Lighten Up
  95. Gotham
  96. The Cave
  97. We Don't Need to See This
  98. League of Shadows
  99. Rachel and Crane / Escape
  100. That's More Like It
  101. Shame
  102. The Cave, Part I
  103. Crane and Falcone
  104. This City Is Rotting
  105. We Are Tonight's Entertainment
  106. Medley Suite
  107. Poor Choice of Words
  108. It's What You Do That Defines You
  109. Fingerprints
  110. Happy Birthday, Bruce
  111. Rory's First Kiss
  112. Meeting With Ducard
  113. Wayne Enterprises
  114. Wired
  115. Return of Bruce Wayne
  116. Mugging (Part 2)
  117. Scarecrow
  118. The Long Walk
  119. Back Up
  120. Decision
  121. Fox Department
  122. Monastery
  123. Capture
  124. Wayne Empire
  125. First Attack
  126. Batsuit
  127. Gotham's Reckoning
  128. Nightwatcher (music-TV spot)
  129. Revenge
  130. Put A Smile On That Face
  131. Final
  132. Rise
  133. The Bat Cave
  134. Bank Robbery
  135. Finder's Keepers
  136. Despair
  137. No Stone Unturned
  138. Escape
  139. The Wayne Tragedy / Training
  140. Find the Batman
  141. Batmobile Chase
  142. The Fire Rises
  143. Imagine The Fire
  144. Back End (music-theatrical trailer)
  145. Rescues Rachel
  146. Rhinolophus (remix suite)
  147. Invasion
  148. ... All That's Left
  149. LSI Extraction
  150. Facing Fear
  151. Final Confrontation
  152. Underground Army
  153. Opera
  154. A Storm Is Coming
  155. ... Are You Ready to Begin
  156. Unmasked
  157. Batman
  158. Fight In Crane's Lab
  159. Hospital Bomb Scare (A)
  160. Attack on Gotham
  161. Dent Defeated
  162. On Thin Ice
  163. Opening Titles - Young Bruce Falls
  164. Ducard And Gotham's Fate - Bruce Left For Dead
  165. Storming Pruitt Building
  166. Initiation Into League - Temple Fight
  167. Preparing Equipment
  168. Immortal
  169. Bat Cave
  170. Why Do We Fall
  171. Legend
  172. Base Jump
  173. Aftermath
  174. Gordon Says Thanks
  175. Fear Will Find You
  176. Truck Convoy
  177. Dirty Crash
  178. Microwave Stolen
  179. Are You Up to It?
  180. I Need You at the Docks/Why Bats?
  181. A Hero With a Face
  182. Who Appointed Batman?
  183. Crane Interrogated
  184. Rachel Next
  185. Dent to Van
  186. Trip to Hong Kong
  187. Batman Arrives
  188. New Batman Theme
  189. Fight in Crane Lab
  190. Father to the Rescue
  191. Crane Warns Rachel A (Alt.)
  192. Ducard and Gotham Fate/Bruce Left For Dead
  193. Dent Kills Wertz
  194. Dockyard Ambush
  195. Give It to Me
  196. Joker Crashes the Party
  197. Surveying the Ruins
  198. Original End Credits
  199. Meeting Falcone (Alt.)
  200. Fox is Fired
  201. Mobsters Taken to Justice
  202. Unlucky Driver
  203. Prison Nightmare (Alt.)
  204. Rachel Gives Gordon the Antidote
  205. Prison Nightmare
  206. Initiation Into League/Temple Fight/Saving Ducard
  207. Your System is Broken (Alt.)
  208. Campfire (Alt. 1)
  209. Mugging (Part 2)/Gordon Comforts Bruce (Alt.)
  210. Meeting Falcone
  211. Kill the Batman
  212. Campfire/Bruce Goes Home
  213. Making Medicine
  214. Batman On Fire
  215. Explosion Aftermath
  216. Bruce Discomfort
  217. Finders Keepers
  218. Gordon at Home
  219. Preparing Equipment (Alt.)
  220. Gordon Is Dead
  221. Crane Mask
  222. The New Da
  223. Mugging (Part 2)/Gordon Comforts Bruce
  224. Sonar System
  225. Batman on Fire (Alt.)
  226. Monastery (Alt.)
  227. Meeting Ducard
  228. Opening Titles/Young Bruce Falls
  229. Batmobile Chase (Alt.)
  230. Loud Enough
  231. Pod Deploy
  232. Batman Rescues Rachel/Fight With League
  233. Bank Warrants / LSI Holdings
  234. Gordon Says Thanks (Alt.)
  235. Speech Ambush
  236. Decision (Alt.)
  237. Move the Money
  238. Courthouse (Part 1)
  239. Rachel in Bat Cave
  240. Return to Gotham
  241. Crane Warns Rachel B (Alt.)
  242. Rachel Attacked
  243. Eye for an Eye
  244. Danger Over
  245. Hospital Bomb Scare A
  246. Training (Alt. 1)
  247. I’m Not a Hero
  248. The Outcast
  249. Gordon Returns Home
  250. Mugging (Part 1) (Alt.)
  251. Panic Room
  252. Crane Warns Rachel A
  253. Campfire (Alt. 2)
  254. Batman Theme
  255. Interrogating Schiff
  256. Hospital Bomb Scare B
  257. Crane Warns Rachel B
  258. Hide in the Dark
  259. Meeting Rachel
  260. Your Fa Name
  261. Batman Down
  262. Interrogatic Schiff
  263. This Is My City
  264. Batman Visits Gordon
  265. We Gotcha
  266. Harvey Two Face
  267. I Need You at the Docks/Why Bats? (Alt.)
  268. Training (Alt. 2)
  269. Ducard Appears
  270. Storming Prewitt Building
  271. Hostile Witness
  272. Prototypes
  273. Mugging (Part 1)
  274. Your System is Broken
  275. Logo
  276. Father to the Rescue (Alt.)
  277. Gotham's White Knight
  278. The Dark Knight Suite
  279. LSI Extraction (Insert)
  280. 04m36-4 A Moment of Silence
  281. 04m33 Scatterin Monkeys
  282. 03m29 Balmoral
  283. 02m15 Bamboo Rafting
  284. 03m19 Minuet
  285. 2m15v11 4.04 Decision
  286. 4m28b Dockyard Ambush (Part 2)
  287. 5m41e Fight In Crane's Lab
  288. 2m18-19 Temple Fight
  289. 1m7a Bruce's Discomfort
  290. 7m60c Train Fight
  291. 6m51 Ducard Appears
  292. 5m41 Fight In Crane's Lab
  293. 1m6v9 3.29 Father To The Rescue
  294. 1m3 Meeting Ducard
  295. 6m53-54 Bruce Left For Dead
  296. 4m27 Batman Visits Gordon
  297. 3m21m 4.07 Crane Warns Rachel
  298. 3m21b 4.09 Crane Warns Rachel
  299. 2m15v11 4.05 Decision
  300. 1m8a 4.04 Mugging (Part 1)
  301. 4m28av8 Dockyard Ambush (Part 1)
  302. 1m8a 4.01 Mugging (Part 1)
  303. 5m35 Gordon At Home
  304. 5m39b Finders Keepers (Part 2)
  305. 2m13pt1 Courthouse
  306. 4m34 Microwave Stolen
  307. 6m55 Antidote
  308. 1m1 Young Bruce Falls
  309. 4m33 Crane's Mask
  310. 3m25v3 4.11 Preparing Equipment
  311. 6m49 Carne Interrogated
  312. 2m14v5 4.05 Meeting Falcone
  313. 4m32 Meeting Rachel
  314. 5m39a Finders Keepers (Part 1)
  315. 7m63 4.24 Gordon Says Thanks
  316. 1m6v9 4.04 Father To The Rescue
  317. 3m24v7 Prototypes
  318. 4m26b-27 4.11 Why Bats
  319. 7m65 Batman End Credits
  320. 7m62 Surveying The Ruins
  321. 2m11-12 4.05 Campfire
  322. 6m52 Ducard and Gothams Fate
  323. 6m58-59 Rescues Rachel
  324. 2m11-12 4.23 Campfire
  325. 3m25v3 4.09 Preparing Equipment
  326. 6m56-57 Batman Arrives
  327. 2m17v4 Initiation Into League
  328. 5m38 Fox Is Fired
  329. 3m21b 4.11 Crane Warns Rachel
  330. 6m46 Rachel In Bat Cave
  331. 5m40 4.16 Making Medicine
  332. 1m10 4.04 Training
  333. 4m26b-27 4.25 Why Bats
  334. 2m13a 4.02 Your System Is Broken
  335. 7m66 Batman Theme
  336. 7m61 Danger Over
  337. 5m43 Batmobile Chase
  338. 5m41a Fight In Crane's Lab
  339. 3m20v3 Return To Gotham
  340. 7m63 4.21 Gordon Says Thanks
  341. 5m42 Backup
  342. 5m37 4.14 Batman On Fire
  343. 7m60b Train Fight
  344. 1m10 4.01 Training
  345. 2m11-12 4.02 Campfire
  346. 1m2v2 3.28 Prison Nightmare
  347. 1m2v2 4.03 Prison Nightmare
  348. 1m4 The Long Walk
  349. 2m16 Hide In The Dark
  350. 3m23 4.09 Wayne Enterprises
  351. 2m13a 4.05 Your System Is Broken
  352. 4m29 Rachel Attacked
  353. 3m22v8.3 The Bat Cave
  354. 1m8b-9 3.29 Mugging (Part 2)
  355. 1m8b-9 4.04 Mugging (Part 2)
  356. 3m21m 4.08 Crane Warns Rachel
  357. 1m10 4.23 Training
  358. 1m0 Batman Titles
  359. 1m5 4.01 Monastery
  360. 2m14v5 4.04 Meeting Falcone
  361. 1m5 4.04 Monastery
  362. 5m37 4.24 Batman On Fire
  363. 7m60a Final Confrontation
  364. 6m46b Your Father's Name


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