Grounded: 2014 – 2020 (Compilation)
- Galactic Ecstacy (alternate mix)
- Rhythm Algorithm (alternate mix)
- Parade Atlas
- Berlin Central Forest
- Native Tansmission
- No Sleep
- False Consciousness
- Space Wobble
- Waiting for You
- Speed Connect (Disconnected mix)
- Unfinished Business
- Twitch
- Silicon Alley
- Virgin Flight
- Won’t Somebody Think of the Children
Mehr Songtexte
- From Start to Finish
- Late At Night
- Robotic Temptation
- Trance Sexual
- Fittin' & Turnin'
- Fittin’ & Turnin’
- Native Power
- Legoman
- Solar Surfing
- DJ Mentality
- Reality Change
- Cool Waters
- Dream Machine
- Snake Charmer
- Sun Express
- Heartbreaker
- Galactic Ecstasy
- St. Elmo's Theme
- El Tropo
- Acid Martin
- Keep Out
- Fountain Gate
- Out of My World
- Zero
- Aurora Digitalis
- Birds of Paradise
- Donkey Punch
- Avocado Conception
- Body Hurt (Methane Bass)
- Body Hurt
- I Don’t Wanna Wait
- Party Rug
- Gondwana Dance
- By 1990-91
- Low World Order
- Bioxy
- Alpha
- Alltogethernow
- Trojan Force
- Won't Somebody Think of the Children
- Cloud Manager
- Lounge Wizard
- Time Apprentice
- Psychic Monthly
- By 1990‐91
- [unknown]
- Sparticle Boom!
- Hyper.Sonic
- Beyond Control
- West Coast