Discord Collection
- Discord (von Eurobeat Brony feat. Odyssey)
- Discord 2015 (von Eurobeat Brony feat. Odyssey)
- Discord 2019 (To the Point mix) (von Eurobeat Brony feat. Odyssey)
- Discord (instrumental)
- Discord 2015 (instrumental)
- Discord 2019 (Instrumental) (von Eurobeat Brony feat. Odyssey)
- Discord 2019 (To the Point mix instrumental)
Super Ponybeat Vol. 3
- Babs Seed (Reconciled Mix)
- Raise this Barn (Hoedown Mix) (von Eurobeat Brony ft. Odyssey & Wild Joe’s Eurobeat Band)
- Morning in Ponyville (Dazed Mix)
- Mirai Start (Euro‐Senpai mix) (von Suzuko Mimori)
- Fly (Euro Flight Mix) (von Eurobeat Brony ft. Odyssey)
- A True, True Friend (Bliss Mix) (von Eurobeat Brony ft. Odyssey)
- Batty (extended mix) (von Eurobeat Brony ft. Odyssey)
- In Our Town (Eurotopia Mix)
- Discord 2015 (von Eurobeat Brony ft. Odyssey)
Batty (instrumental mix)
- Discord 2015 (instrumental mix)
Super Ponybeat, Vol. 1 [ALTERNATE VERSIONS]
- Luna (nightmare / uncorrected vocals mix) (von Eurobeat Brony ft. Odyssey)
- Art of the Dress (euro fashion 155BPM mix)
- You Gotta Share (spaghetti western instrumental)
- Luna (nightmare instrumental) (von Eurobeat Brony ft. Odyssey)
- At the Gala (instrumental)
- Luna (nightlife jazz instrumental)
- Ralph's Comeuppance (von Wild Joe’s Eurobeat Band)
- Evil Enchantress (guitar mix)
- Luna (nightmare acapella)
Super Ponybeat, Volume 1
- My Little Pony Theme (Europener mix)
- Evil Enchantress (Euro Spell mix)
- Winter Wrap Up (Euro Spring mix)
- Giggle at the Ghostie (ParaParaSprite mix)
- Art of the Dress (Euro Fashion mix)
- Fluttershy's Lullaby (Stay Up Late mix)
- Cupcakes (SweetBeat mix)
- You Gotta Share (Spaghetti Western mix) (von Eurobeat Brony feat. Wild Joe’s Eurobeat Band)
- Cutie Mark Crusaders (Blankflank mix) (von Eurobeat Brony feat. the CMC)
- Luna (DREAM MODE) (von Eurobeat Brony feat. Odyssey)
- So Many Wonders (Eurosky mix)
- At the Gala (Finale mix)
- Luna (NIGHTMARE Mode) (von Eurobeat Brony feat. Odyssey)