- Solidarity (In This Together)
- Destabilize
- L_ST-_N-D_TA (Destabilize Pt.2)
- Conviction (von PrinceWhateverer ft. Sable Symphony)
- Constellations (von PrinceWhateverer & Dreamchan)
- Restoration (R1 The Awakening)
- Reclamation (R2 The Invasion)
- Reparation (R3 The Sorrow)
- Retaliation (R4 The Vengeance)
- Miscommunication
- Are You There
- Delta Vee
- Betrayer (Luna's Caps Pt. 3)
- Not Letting Go
- Better Tomorrow
- Guardians of Equestria (2019)
- Holy Fire
- Goodbye
- Nemesis
- For the Better
- Spare Me! (von PrinceWhateverer & Rarity [BGM])
- Friends in High Places
- Holy War
- Make it Out
- [CODE PHANTOM] (Destabilize Pt.4a)
- Give it All
- Everypony Dies
- Party's Over (von PrinceWhateverer ft. Sable)
- Ghost in the Sun
- Friends in Maretime
- Won't Take Me Alive (PW mix)
- ALR3ADY D3AD (Destabilize Pt.4b)
- Won't Take Me Alive (TCB mix)
- Nemesis [ACA]
- For the Better [ACA]
- Spare Me! [ACA] (von PrinceWhateverer & Rarity [BGM])
- Friends in High Places [ACA]
- Holy War [ACA]
- Make it Out [ACA]
- [CODE PHANTOM] (Destabilize Pt.4a) [ACA]
- Give it All [ACA]
- Everypony Dies [ACA]
- Party's Over [ACA] (von PrinceWhateverer ft. Sable)
- Ghost in the Sun [ACA]
- Friends in Maretime [ACA]
- Won't Take Me Alive (PW mix) [ACA]
- ALR3ADY D3AD (Destabilize Pt.4b) [ACA]
- Nemesis [INSTR]
- For the Better [INSTR]
- Spare Me! [INSTR] (von PrinceWhateverer & Rarity [BGM])
- Friends in High Places [INSTR]
- Holy War [INSTR]
- Make it Out [INSTR]
- [CODE PHANTOM] (Destabilize Pt.4a) [INSTR]
- Give it All [INSTR]
- Everypony Dies [INSTR]
- Party's Over [INSTR] (von PrinceWhateverer ft. Sable)
- Ghost in the Sun [INSTR]
- Friends in Maretime [INSTR]
- Won't Take Me Alive (PW mix) [INSTR]
- ALR3ADY D3AD (Destabilize Pt.4b) [INSTR]
- So Long (feat. Wubcake & NRGpony) (von PrinceWhateverer feat. Wubcake & NRGPony)
- Left Behind
- Walk In Shadows
- Frailty (feat. Milkymomo) (von PrinceWhateverer feat. Milkymomo)
- A Place That We Call Home (feat. CookieSoupMusic) (von PrinceWhateverer feat. CookieSoupMusic)
- Taking Flight (feat. Dakota Crowell (NRGpony)) (von PrinceWhateverer feat. Dakota Crowell (NRGpony))
- Away From Me (feat. Dakota Crowell (NRGpony)) (von PrinceWhateverer feat. Dakota Crowell (NRGpony))
- Between Fairytales And Happy Endings (feat. Kaspuuh & Senra) (von PrinceWhateverer feat. Kaspuuh & Senra)
- Forget About It (feat. CGScrambles) (von PrinceWhateverer feat. CGScrambles)
- Your Own Sky
- Fight This War, [Ver 1] (feat. DivinumX) (von PrinceWhateverer feat. DivinumX)
- The Fight Inside (feat. Dakota Crowell (NRGpony)) (von PrinceWhateverer feat. Dakota Crowell (NRGpony))
- Frailty (µThunder Remix feat. Milkymomo) (von PrinceWhateverer feat. Milkymomo)
- Fight This War, [Ver 2] (feat. DivinumX) (von PrinceWhateverer feat. DivinumX)
- Not Letting Go (Acoustic feat. Cadie, Poni1Kenobi, and CookieSoupMusic) (von PrinceWhateverer feat. Cadie, Poni1Kenobi, and CookieSoupMusic)
- Your Own Sky (Aviators remix)
Mehr Songtexte

- PrinceWhateverer, Dreamchan, Scrambles - Destabilize
- Between Fairytales and Happy Endings
- The Fight Within
- The Fight Within (Aviators Remix) [Instrumental Version]
- Pursuing Fortune
- Serenity
- Brick by Boring Brick
- The Fight Inside
- 12115
- It'll Be OK (Cover)
- Spectacle (Cover)
- Shallow Naivety
- Cutie Mark Punk-Rockers
- Taking Flight
- PonyCORE (Luna's Caps Lock Pt. 1)
- The Fight Inside (Luna's Caps Lock Pt. 2)
- The Guardians of Equestria
- This Duality
- Destabilize (Thrasher Remix 2015 Remaster)
- Taking Flight (feat. Dakota Crowell (NRGpony))
- The Swarm is the Law
- Frailty [a cappella]
- Fight This War [Ver 1] [instrumental]
- Forget About It [instrumental]
- So Long [a cappella]
- Your Own Sky [a cappella]
- Not Letting Go (acoustic) [a cappella]
- Walk in Shadows [instrumental]
- Walk in Shadows [a cappella]
- Left Behind [instrumental]
- Away From Me [instrumental]
- A Place That We Call Home [a cappella]
- Fight This War [Ver 1] [a cappella]
- Fight This War, [Ver 1]
- Fight This War, [Ver 2]
- Old Phantoms [Instrumental]
- Left Behind [a cappella]
- The Fight Inside [a cappella]
- A Place That We Call Home [instrumental]
- Old Phantoms
- Taking Flight [instrumental]
- The Fight Inside (feat. Dakota Crowell (NRGpony))
- Between Fairytales and Happy Endings [instrumental]
- A Place That We Call Home
- Forget About It
- Fight This War [Ver 2] [a cappella]
- Old Phantoms [A capella]
- Conviction
- Frailty (µThunder Remix feat. Milkymomo)
- So Long
- Your Own Sky (PW & Aviators remix) [instrumental]
- Your Own Sky [instrumental]
- The Swarm is the Law (A capella)
- Between Fairytales and Happy Endings [a cappella]
- I'm Not Gay (Parody)
- Your Own Sky (PW & Aviators remix) [a cappella]
- Taking Flight [a cappella]
- Not Letting Go (acoustic) [instrumental]
- So Long [instrumental]
- Forget About It [a cappella]
- Frailty [instrumental]
- Away From Me (feat. Dakota Crowell (NRGpony))
- Frailty
- This is Nightmare Night
- The Fight Inside [instrumental]
- Away From Me [a cappella]
- This is Nightmare Night (A capella)
- Friends in High Places (A capella)
- Shrouded Integrity
- Open Up Your Eyes (A Cappella)
- Know Your Enemy
- Know Your Enemy (A capella)
- Better Tomorrow [A Capella]
- Open Up Your Eyes
- Smells Like Colt Spirit (Intrumental)
- Better Tomorrow [Instrumental]
- Smells Like Colt Spirit (A capella)
- Smells Like Colt Spirit
- PrinceWhateverer - This Party Never Ends
- PrinceWhateverer - DASH DASH RAINBOW [VID VER]
- Buckball for Hayfries - Twilight Learned to Fly
- Buckball for Hayfries - Twilight Learned to Fly [INSTR]
- Buckball for Hayfries - Twilight Learned to Fly [ACCA]
- PrinceWhateverer - This Party Never Ends [INSTR]
- Miscommunication (a cappella)
- PrinceWhateverer - DASH DASH RAINBOW
- PrinceWhateverer - This Party Never Ends [ACCA]
- PrinceWhateverer - DASH DASH RAINBOW [INSTR]
- PrinceWhateverer - DASH DASH RAINBOW [ACCA]
- Absolute Territory
- Your Own Sky (2022)
- Elemental
- Elemental (A capella)
- Away From Me
- Your Own Sky '22
- Mare in the Box (A Capella)
- Ghost in the Sun (A capella)
- Your Own Sky '22 (A Capella)
- Mare in the Box
- False Crown (ft. Sable Symphony)
- Stronger (ft. Sable Symphony)
- Despondency [Instrumental]
- Despondency [A capella]
- Hope (Cover)
- Resilience
- True Friends (Cover)
- Constellations
- True Friends (INSTR)
- True Friends (ACA)
- What's New Apple Bloom? (Parody)
- Heluna (Cover)
- Yūgure no Kagayaki
- Spectacular (Cover)
- Despondency
- [CODE PHANTOM] (A capella)
- Party's Over
- Spare Me!
- [CODE PHANTOM] (Destabilize Pt.4a)
- Party's Over [INSTR]
- Wanna Be a Vampire? (Batpony Love Song) [a cappella]
- Wanna Be a Vampire? (Batpony Love Song)
- Wanna Be a Vampire? (Batpony Love Song) [instrumental]
- Welcome to The Black Parade (Cover Instrumental)
- Welcome to The Black Parade (Cover)
- Welcome to The Black Parade (Cover A Capella)
- PW - HYPA HYPA (Parody with Deus, Patch, Manta, Blackened) ACA
- PW - HYPA HYPA (Parody with Deus, Patch, Manta, Blackened)
- PW - HYPA HYPA (Parody with Deus, Patch, Manta, Blackened) INSTR
- Solidarity Orchestral [ACCA]
- PrinceWhateverer - Friends in Maretime (INSTR)
- PrinceWhateverer - Friends in Maretime (ACCA)
- PrinceWhateverer - Friends in Maretime
- Nightmare Night [ACA]
- Mare in the Mirror (a cappella)
- Mare in the Mirror
- This Party Never Ends [a cappella]
- Friends in Maretime (a cappella)
- Darkness Calling
- The Ballad of Inky Rose [ACA]
- Darkness Calling [INSTR]
- The Ballad of Inky Rose
- Darkness Calling [ACA]
- The Ballad of Inky Rose [INSTR]