Super Pony Flash – Eurobeat Is Magic
- Avast Fluttershy’s Plot (Super Pony Flash Mix)
- Fluttershout and Rarifruit (Max Horror Mix)
- Twilightlicious (Super Eurobeat Mix)
- Daring Do (Eurobeat Jungle Mix)
- A True True Friend (Elemental Eurobeat Mix)
- I’ve Got To Find A Way (Italo Liquid Pride Mix)
- Twenty Ten (Elite Eurobeat Mix)
- For The New Lunar Republic (Super Eurobeat Mix)
- The Solar Empire (Super Eurobeat Mix)
- [EUROBEAT BOSS BATTLE] Eurobeat Pegasister
- Battle of the Ponymon (Hyper Eurobeat Mix)
- [EUROBEAT BOSS BATTLE] The Living Tombstone and Glaze
- Gypsy Bard (Super Euro Version)
- Cloudsdale Evolved (Super Eurobeat Mix)
- Pinkie Pie’s Welcome Song
- Pony Pokey (Pony Para Mix)
- Powerpuff Rainboom (Crossover Euro Mix)
- Aviators – Friendship (Cosmic Eurobeat Mix)
- Mirai Start (Pony Revolution Mix)
Super Ponybeat ~Ultimate Cross~
- Super Ponybeat Ultimate Cross ~Main Theme~
- Pinkie Pie Circuit
- Brilliant 2 The Evil Enchantress
- Rainbow Speed Car
- Stickerbrush Crusaders
- Hop, Skip, Donut Lifts!!
- Art of the Dress (Euro Daytona Mix)
- Applejack Circuit
- Fluttershy Sanctuary
- Twilight Sparkle’s Ice World
- Discord (Euro Touhou Mix)
- Rainbow Factory (Euro Nightmare Mix)
- Magic Duel (Euro Showdown Mix)
- Nightmare Moon (Euro Boss Battle)
- This Day Aria (Euro Solar Sector Mix)
- King Sombra (Euro Darkness Mix)
- Smile, Smile, Smile! (Euro Rainbow Road Mix)