
Geboren am 05. April 1984

Mehr Songtexte

  1. Final Fantasy VI 'Agony of Obscuration' OC ReMix
  2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Awakened Fears of the Gerudo' OC ReMix
  3. Castlevania 'Belmont Lounge' OC ReMix
  4. Earthworm Jim 2 'Invertebrate Retreat' OC ReMix
  5. Final Fantasy IX 'Black Magic Synthesis' OC ReMix
  6. Jurassic Park 'Before Time' OC ReMix
  7. Ninja Gaiden 'Ninjitsu Groove' OC ReMix
  8. Perfect Dark 'Air Force One Is Down' OC ReMix
  9. Perfect Dark 'Silent Ascent' OC ReMix
  10. Forest Funk (Chapter 1 Light World)
  11. Betus Blues (Chapter 2 Light World)
  12. C.H.A.D.'s Lullaby (Ch 2 Boss)
  13. The Battle of Lil' Slugger (Chapter 1 Boss)
  14. Larries' Lament (Chapter 5 Boss)
  15. ... And Potatoes
  16. It Ends Retro (Chapter 5 Warp Zone)
  17. Betus Blues Retro (Chapter 2 Warp Zone)
  18. Forest Funk Retro (Chapter 1 Warp Zone)
  19. Larries' Lament (Ch 5 Boss)
  20. Rocket Rider (Chapter 3 Dark World)
  21. Meat Golem (Chapter 4 Boss)
  22. 8-Bit Internets Levels
  23. 4-Bit Internets Menus
  24. McLarty Party People (Chapter 7 Levels)
  25. Carmeaty Burana (Chapter 6 Boss)
  26. Can o' Salt (Ch 3 Light World)
  27. Spoiled R0TT3N
  28. The Battle of Lil' Slugger (Ch 1 Boss)
  29. Hot Damned (Chapter 4 Light World)
  30. C.H.A.D.'s Broken Wind (Chapter 2 Dark World)
  31. C.H.A.D.'s Broken Wind (Ch 2 Dark World)
  32. C.H.A.D.'s Lullaby (Chapter 2 Boss)
  33. Devil n' Bass (Chapter 4 Dark World)
  34. Ballad of the Burning Squirrel (Chapter 1 Dark World)
  35. 90's Ad Track
  36. Can O' Salt (Chapter 3 Light World)
  37. Can o' Salt (Ch 3 Light World Extended Cut)
  38. 4-Bit Meat Boy Theme
  39. It Ends 2: End Harder (Chapter 6 Levels)
  40. It Ends (Chapter 5 Light World)
  41. Devil n' Bass (Ch 4 Dark World)
  42. Fast Track to Browntown (Chapter 3 Boss)
  43. Can o' Salt RETRO (Ch 3 Warp Zone)
  44. Dr. Fetus' Castle (Ch 5 Dark World)
  45. Dr. Fetus' Castle (Chapter 5 Dark World)
  46. Can O' Salt Retro (Chapter 3 Warp Zone)
  47. The Battle of Lil' Slugger (Ch 1 Boss Extended Cut)
  48. Hot Damned Retro (Chapter 4 Warp Zone)
  49. Bonus Round 3: minibadass
  50. RUN!
  51. Mach Runner
  52. Daring Escape
  53. Crusade
  54. Penance
  55. Latter Days
  56. Atonement
  57. Unholy Assault
  58. Serenity
  59. Lament of the Angel
  60. My Innermost Apocalypse
  61. Tomes
  62. The Wages of Faith
  63. Power of the Meat
  64. Spewer Intro (Looped)
  65. Spewer (Looped)
  66. Blooba Doop Scooba
  67. Train Suplex
  68. Train Suplex (The Decisive Battle)
  69. The Galaxy Is at Peace… (Ending / Samus Aran Appearance Fanfare)
  70. The Dark Side of Phobos (e1m5)
  71. Damn Those Turks! (Turks' Theme)
  72. Final Fantasy VII 'Damn Those Turks!' OC ReMix
  73. Doom 'The Dark Side of Phobos' OC ReMix
  74. Zone 3-1 Hot Shopkeeper
  75. Zone 1-2 Shopkeeper
  76. Zone 1-1 Shopkeeper
  77. Zone 3-3 Cold Shopkeeper
  78. Zone 3-2 Cold Shopkeeper
  79. Zone 2-3
  80. Zone 3-2 Hot
  81. Zone 3-3 Hot
  82. Tutorial
  83. Zone 1-3
  84. Zone 1-3 Shopkeeper
  85. Zone 2-1 Shopkeeper
  86. Zone 3-1 Cold Shopkeeper
  87. Zone 3-3 Cold
  88. Zone 3-1 Hot
  89. Zone 3-1 Cold
  90. Zone 2-2
  91. Zone 3-2 Cold
  92. Zone 1-2
  93. Zone 3-3 Hot Shopkeeper
  94. Zone 2-3 Shopkeeper
  95. Zone 2-1
  96. Zone 1-1
  97. Zone 2-2 Shopkeeper
  98. Zone 3-2 Hot Shopkeeper
  99. Deep Sea Bass (Coral Riff)
  100. March of the Profane (3-2 Hot)
  101. Konga Conga Kappa (King Conga)
  102. A Hot Mess (3-3 Hot feat. Shopkeeper)
  103. Absolutetion (Golden Lute Fight)
  104. Styx and Stones (4-1 with Shopkeeper)
  105. The Wight to Remain (4-3)
  106. Last Dance (Necrodancer Fight 2nd Phase)
  107. March of the Profane (3-2 Hot feat. Shopkeeper)
  108. Igneous Rock (3-1 Hot feat. Shopkeeper)
  109. For Whom the Knell Tolls (Dead Ringer)
  110. Momentum Mori (Necrodancer Fight 1st Phase)
  111. Heart of the Crypt (4-2)
  112. A Hot Mess (3-3 Hot)
  113. The Wight to Remain (4-3 with Shopkeeper)
  114. Metalmancy (Death Metal)
  115. Knight to C-Sharp (Deep Blues)
  116. Rhythmortis (Lobby Filtered)
  117. Igneous Rock (3-1 Hot)
  118. Heart of the Crypt (4-2 with Shopkeeper)
  119. Watch Your Step (Training)
  120. Rhythmortis (Lobby)
  121. Styx and Stones (4-1)
  122. Aquaria 'Minibadass' OC ReMix
  123. Super Metroid 'The Galaxy Is at Peace' OC ReMix
  124. Rhythmortis Filtered
  125. Rhythmortis
  126. Stone Cold
  127. Mausoleum Mash Shopkeeper
  128. Dance of the Decorous Shopkeeper
  129. Stone Cold Shopkeeper
  130. Dance of the Decorous
  131. A Cold Sweat
  132. Disco Descent
  133. Crypteque Shopkeeper
  134. Fungal Funk
  135. Last Dance
  136. A Cold Sweat Shopkeeper
  137. The Wight to Remain Shopkeeper
  138. The Wight to Remain
  139. Dead End
  140. Heart of the Crypt
  141. Grave Throbbing Shopkeeper
  142. Portabellohead
  143. Styx and Stones
  144. Disco Descent Shopkeeper
  145. Crypteque
  146. Portabellohead Shopkeeper
  147. Fungal Funk Shopkeeper
  148. Styx and Stones Shopkeeper
  149. Heart of the Crypt Shopkeeper
  150. Mausoleum Mash
  151. Grave Throbbing
  152. Caution: Echidnas May Eat Your Brain (Boss 1 [S3])
  153. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 'Knuckleduster' OC ReMix
  154. Awakened World
  155. Super Meat Boy - 90's Ad Track
  156. Monochrome Destiny
  157. Lumberdash Smash
  158. HAWP - Rhythm Heaven
  159. Sudsy Slumber
  160. Singularity Collapse Soundtrack
  161. Anthony Saves The World Soundtrack
  162. Dash's Theme
  163. Bob Barker's House (BONUS TRACK)
  164. The Southwest Pole - Rare Uncovered Original Recording (BONUS TRACK)
  165. Blush - Neon Tides
  166. Blush - Our Digital Ocean
  167. Brent Kennedy - It Ends 2: End Harder (Piano)
  168. Brent Kennedy - Betus Blues (Piano)
  169. Serenity (Piano)
  170. Brent Kennedy - The Forest Medley (Piano)
  171. Combat Medley (Piano)
  172. Brent Kennedy - Meat Golem (Piano)
  173. Brent Kennedy - McLarty Party People (Piano)
  174. Brent Kennedy - It Ends (Piano)
  175. My Innermost Apocalypse (Piano)
  176. Respite (Piano)
  177. Brent Kennedy - Ballad of the Burning Squirrel (Piano)
  178. Brent Kennedy - C.H.A.D.'s Lullaby (Piano)
  179. Brent Kennedy - Hot Damned (Piano)
  180. Anthony Saves (Title Theme)
  181. Binding of Isaac (Piano)
  182. Once Upon A Pixel - KOOPA
  183. Tomes (Piano)
  184. Friday
  185. Blooba Doop Scooba (ringtone)
  186. Serenity Interlude (Piano)
  187. Sacrificial (Piano)
  188. Brent Kennedy - The Salt Factory (Piano)
  189. The Southwest Pole Remastered (BONUS TRACK)
  190. Penance (Piano)
  191. ???/Dark World (Low)
  192. Lost Woods (Peaceful)
  193. Death Mountain (Peaceful)
  194. Overworld (Peaceful)
  195. Frozen Grotto (Low)
  196. Tutorial & Kakariko Crypt Shopkeeper (Low)
  197. Lost Swamp Shopkeeper (Low) [Maracas Ver.]
  198. Ganon Final Boss Battle [Organ Ver.]
  199. Hyrule Castle Dungeon (Combat)
  200. Gerudo Valley (Combat)
  201. Octavo Boss Battle
  202. Gerudo Ruins Shopkeeper (Low)
  203. Gleeokenspiel Boss Battle
  204. Gerudo Valley (Low)
  205. Lost Swamp (Peaceful) [Maracas Ver.]
  206. Tutorial & Kakariko Crypt Shopkeeper (Peaceful)
  207. Frozen Grotto (Low) [Oboe Ver.]
  208. Octavo Boss Battle [Glockenspiel Ver.]
  209. Vamplified
  210. Death Mountain Shopkeeper (Low)
  211. Fairy Fountain (Low)
  212. Gerudo Valley Shopkeeper (Peaceful) [Organ Ver.]
  213. Gerudo Ruins Shopkeeper (Peaceful) [Bass Guitar Ver.]
  214. Ganon Final Boss Battle [Organ Solo]
  215. Temple of Storms (Combat) [Glockenspiel Ver.]
  216. Temple of Storms (Peaceful) [Glockenspiel Ver.]
  217. Tutorial & Kakariko Crypt Shopkeeper (Combat)
  218. Bass Guitarmos Knights Boss Battle (1 Small Knights)
  219. Steinway to Heaven
  220. Cave Shopkeeper (Low)
  221. Voltzwaltz
  222. Lost Swamp Shopkeeper (Low)
  223. Gerudo Valley Shopkeeper (Peaceful)
  224. Temple of Storms Shopkeeper (Low) [Glockenspiel Ver.]
  225. Frozen Grotto (Combat)
  226. Overworld Shopkeeper (Peaceful)
  227. Frozen Grotto Shopkeeper (Low)
  228. Frozen Grotto Shopkeeper (Combat) [Oboe Ver.]
  229. Ganon Final Boss Battle
  230. Frozen Grotto (Peaceful) [Oboe Ver.]
  231. Main Menu (Lullaby Ver.)
  232. Bass Guitar Obtained
  233. ???/Dark World (Combat)
  234. Octavo Boss Battle [Maracas Ver.]
  235. Maracas Obtained
  236. Lost Swamp Shopkeeper (Combat)
  237. Octavo Boss Battle [Oboe Ver.]
  238. Minigame (Low)
  239. Temple of Storms (Low) [Glockenspiel Ver.]
  240. Lost Swamp Shopkeeper (Peaceful) [Maracas Ver.]
  241. Lost Swamp (Combat)
  242. ???/Dark World Shopkeeper (Combat)
  243. Cave Shopkeeper (Peaceful)
  244. Frozen Grotto (Peaceful)
  245. Overworld Shopkeeper (Combat)
  246. Six Feet Thunder
  247. Frozen Grotto Shopkeeper (Peaceful)
  248. Death Mountain Shopkeeper (Combat)
  249. Power Cords (Shopkeeper)
  250. Minigame
  251. Fairy Fountain
  252. Temple of Storms (Low)
  253. Bass Guitarmos Knights Boss Battle (4 Small Knights)
  254. Gerudo Valley Shopkeeper (Combat)
  255. Lost Woods (Combat)
  256. Lost Swamp (Combat) [Maracas Ver.]
  257. Minigame (Peaceful)
  258. Tutorial & Kakariko Crypt (Peaceful)
  259. Lost Swamp (Low) [Maracas Ver.]
  260. Lost Swamp (Low)
  261. ???/Dark World (Peaceful)
  262. Overworld Shopkeeper (Low)
  263. Oboe Obtained
  264. Notorious D.I.G.
  265. Octavo Boss Battle [Bass Guitar Ver.]
  266. Hyrule Castle (Low)
  267. Overworld (Combat)
  268. Tutorial & Kakariko Crypt (Low)
  269. Lost Woods (Low)
  270. Temple of Storms Shopkeeper (Combat) [Glockenspiel Ver.]
  271. Lost Woods Shopkeeper (Peaceful)
  272. Gerudo Ruins (Peaceful) [Bass Guitar Ver.]
  273. Cave (Combat)
  274. Gerudo Ruins (Combat)
  275. Bass Guitarmos Knights Boss Battle (2 Small Knights)
  276. Hyrule Castle Dungeon (Peaceful)
  277. Kakariko Village (Low)
  278. Gerudo Valley (Peaceful)
  279. Gerudo Ruins Shopkeeper (Peaceful)
  280. Cave Shopkeeper (Combat)
  281. Windmill Hut (Intense)
  282. Fortune Teller (Low)
  283. Temple of Storms (Combat)
  284. Frozen Grotto (Combat) [Oboe Ver.]
  285. Gerudo Ruins (Low) [Bass Guitar Ver.]
  286. Wizzroboe Boss Battle
  287. Frozen Grotto Shopkeeper (Peaceful) [Oboe Ver.]
  288. Temple of Storms Shopkeeper (Peaceful)
  289. Tutorial & Kakariko Crypt (Combat)
  290. Lost Swamp Shopkeeper (Combat) [Maracas Ver.]
  291. Temple of Storms (Peaceful)
  292. Temple of Storms Shopkeeper (Combat)
  293. Game Over (Low)
  294. Frozen Grotto Shopkeeper (Combat)
  295. Voltzwaltz (Shopkeeper)
  296. Glockenspiel Obtained
  297. Lost Woods Shopkeeper (Combat)
  298. Death Mountain (Low)
  299. Kakariko Village
  300. Windmill Hut (Low)
  301. Death Mountain (Combat)
  302. Gerudo Ruins (Low)
  303. Gerudo Ruins Shopkeeper (Combat)
  304. Lost Swamp Shopkeeper (Peaceful)
  305. Power Cords
  306. Gerudo Ruins (Combat) [Bass Guitar Ver.]
  307. Overworld (Low)
  308. Gerudo Ruins (Peaceful)
  309. Main Menu
  310. Frozen Grotto Shopkeeper (Low) [Oboe Ver.]
  311. Bass Guitarmos Knights Boss Battle (0 Small Knights)
  312. Fortune Teller
  313. Lost Swamp (Peaceful)
  314. Gohmaracas Boss Battle
  315. Hyrule Castle Shopkeeper (Low)
  316. Gerudo Valley Shopkeeper (Low)
  317. Death Mountain Shopkeeper (Peaceful)
  318. Six Feet Thunder (Shopkeeper)
  319. Cave (Peaceful)
  320. Temple of Storms Shopkeeper (Low)
  321. Gerudo Valley (Peaceful) [Organ Ver.]
  322. Gerudo Ruins Shopkeeper (Combat) [Bass Guitar Ver.]
  323. ???/Dark World Shopkeeper (Low)
  324. Bass Guitarmos Knights Boss Battle (3 Small Knights)
  325. Cave (Low)
  326. Gerudo Ruins Shopkeeper (Low) [Bass Guitar Ver.]
  327. ???/Dark World Shopkeeper (Peaceful)
  328. Lost Woods Shopkeeper (Low)
  329. Windmill Hut (Peaceful)
  330. Temple of Storms Shopkeeper (Peaceful) [Glockenspiel Ver.]
  331. Game Over
  332. Metalmancy (Death Metal feat. FamilyJules7x)
  333. Igneous Rock (3-1 Hot feat. FamilyJules7x)
  334. March of the Profane (3-2 Hot feat. FamilyJules7x)
  335. A Hot Mess (3-3 Hot feat. FamilyJules7x)
  336. Warbond (low)
  337. Super Metroid “The Galaxy Is at Peace” OC ReMix
  338. Neon Tides
  339. Our Digital Ocean
  340. Too Real
  341. My One and Oni
  342. Bootus Bleez
  343. Slugger’s Refrain
  344. Got Danged


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