Antibirth: OST (Soundtrack)
- Depression Shop
- Descent (Title)
- Drowning
- Dystension (Womb)
- Esc (Arcade)
- Fault Lines
- Forgotten Lullaby (Secret Room)
- Gloria Filio (Mom's Heart)
- Hallowed Ground
- Innocence Glitched (Basement)
- Innocence Mangled (Depths)
- Intro (Cinematic)
- Journey from a Jar to the Sky
- Lucidate (Library)
- Machine in the Walls
- Memento Mori
- Outside the Fold (Cellar)
- Spinning Out of Orbit (Boss Beaten)
- Spinning Intensifies (Boss Beaten + ?)
- Subterranean Homesick Malign (Caves)
- Shadowdance (Sheol)
- Tandava (Boss)
- The Thief (Cathedral)
- Ultimort (Chest)
- Marble Forest (Catacombs)
- Misericorde (Isaac Fight)
- Morphine (Dark Room)
- The Hammer of Pompeii (Necropolis)
- Underscore (Credits)
Mehr Songtexte
- Gloria Filio (Mom's Heart)
- The Turn (Mom fight)
- (Bonus) The Flagbearer
- (Bonus) Edmund You Little
- Spectrum of Sin (Satan fight)
- Whitepath (Angel room)
- Howl (Hush Fight)
- Rapturepunk (BB fight)
- Fitnah (Lamb Fight)
- Flashpoint (Burning Basement)
- An Armistice (Blue Womb)
- Allnoise (The Void)
- Terminal Lucidity (Delirium)
- A Baleful Circus (Boss Rush)
- Lethe (Scarred Womb)
- Invictus (Boss Fight)
- Mithraeum (Dank Depths)
- Blackpath (Devil room)
- Non Funkible Token (Ultra Greed)
- Foreigner in Zeal (Flooded Caves)
- The Wanderer
- Mt Money
- Osaka Nights
- Tribe
- The Flagbearer
- Edmund You Little
- DeFault Lines