Danny Baranowsky Songtexte
March of the Profane (3-2 Hot feat. Shopkeeper)
Geboren am 05. April 1984
The Binding of Isaac (Soundtrack)
- Those Responsible
- In the Beginning…
- The Binding of Isaac
- Unknown Depths Below
- Sacrificial
- Conflicted
- Divine Combat
- Pride
- Peace Be With You
- Agony
- Repentant
- Respite
- $4cR1f1c14|_
- Dreadful
- Burning Ambush
- Greed
- Thine Wrath…
- Apostate
- Hereafter
- Temptation
- The Pact
- …Be Done
- Absolution
- Ultimate Reward
- End Times
- In the Beginning… (No Voiceover)
- The Clubbing of Isaac (remix) (von Big Giant Circles)
- Atempause (von C418)
- A Mourner Unto Sheol
- Enmity of the Dark Lord
Crypt of the Necrodancer (Soundtrack)
- Cinematic Trailer (intro)
- Lobby
- Tutorial
- Zone 1-1
- Zone 1-1 Shopkeeper
- Zone 1-2
- Zone 1-2 Shopkeeper
- Zone 1-3
- Zone 1-3 Shopkeeper
- Zone 2-1
- Zone 2-1 Shopkeeper
- Zone 2-2
- Zone 2-2 Shopkeeper
- Zone 2-3
- Zone 2-3 Shopkeeper
- Zone 3-1 Cold
- Zone 3-1 Cold Shopkeeper
- Zone 3-1 Hot (von Danny Baranowsky feat. FamilyJules7x)
- Zone 3-1 Hot Shopkeeper (von Danny Baranowsky feat. FamilyJules7x)
- Zone 3-2 Cold
- Zone 3-2 Cold Shopkeeper
- Zone 3-2 Hot (von Danny Baranowsky feat. FamilyJules7x)
- Zone 3-2 Hot Shopkeeper (von Danny Baranowsky feat. FamilyJules7x)
- Zone 3-3 Cold
- Zone 3-3 Cold Shopkeeper
- Zone 3-3 Hot (von Danny Baranowsky feat. FamilyJules7x)
- Zone 3-3 Hot Shopkeeper (von Danny Baranowsky feat. FamilyJules7x)
- Boss Death Metal
- Boss Deep Blues
- Boss King Conga
- Old 1-4
- Old 2-2