Cop Shoot Cop Songtexte
Gründung 1987, Auflösung 1996
Tod Ashley
Jim Coleman
Michael Kaminski
Jack Natz
David Ouimet
Phil Puleo
Mehr Songtexte
- She's Like a Shot
- Drop the Bombs
- Where's the Money?
- Transmitter
- Untitled
- New God
- The Queen of Shinbone Alley
- Transmission
- Money-Drunk
- Fragment
- Lie
- Days Will Pass
- Robert Tilton Handjob
- Triumphal Theme
- Mistake
- Suck City
- Schweinhund!
- Pre-Dive Chatter
- Disconected 666
- Eggs For Rib (Speedway)
- Rbt. Tilton Handjob
- Anonymous