The Last Door: Collector’s Edition (Soundtrack)
- My Last Regrets
- Crows Over the City
- Letter From a Friend
- A House in Silence
- The Tragedy of Beechworth
- Steps in the Darkness
- A Secret Deep Buried
- Anna
- Letter From a Friend (orchestral)
- The Last Door
- The Carnival of Venice
- Memories
- Godforsaken Place
- Rest in Peace
- Mysterious Ways
- Forgotten Melody
- The Nightmare
- An Unveiled Path
- Inside Your Horror
- Malum in Se
- Winter of the Past
- Old Nichol
- Forgotten Streets
- The Four Witnesses (piano)
- Dust and Silence
- Immortal Beloved
- Mockingbird
- The Four Witnesses
- No Turning Back
- The Veil
- Ancient Shadows
- Alexandre
- What Remains
- The Angels Protect This House
- The Scream
- The Unknown
The Last Door: Season 2: Collector’s Edition (Soundtrack)
- They Are Coming
- London at Dawn
- Walls of Loneliness
- Sonata of Abandonment
- Story Behind Every Face
- Waltz of the Lost Gazes
- Miss Konhe
- The Crimson Nest
- The House at the Top of the Hill
- When I Am Visited Again
- Wickport
- Song for a Lost Mind
- Wright’s Riddle
- The Hypnosis
- Augustine
- Flowers for Miss Carter
- Echoes of a Lonely Church
- If the Birds Fall Silent
- The Truth Within
- The Waltz of H‐A
- Among the Dead Stones
- Requiem
- The Hills of Éllís Mór
- Miss Laidcend
- Kieran’s Playroom
- The Red Curtains
- The Story Ends
- Videte Ne Quis Sciat
- The Threshold
Mehr Songtexte
- Goodforsaken Place
- Inmortal Beloved
- Kieran's PlayRoom
- The Burrow
- The Chasing
- Wright's Riddle
- What Breathes in the Dark
- Where the Fearnóg Blooms
- Insomnia
- The Waltz of H-A
- Baile de Violetas
- Cinco Miradas Tiene la Aurora
- Blasphemous (Kickstarter Trailer Song)
- The Waltz of H‐A
- Whispering a Prayer
- Tell Me
- Something in the Myst
- La Herida del Ocaso (Original Videogame Soundtrack)