- Rubik's Swing
- Upcoming Millennium
- Power Failure on the Night a Friend is Sleeping Over (Spooky Excitement)
- Field Trip Chaperone
- Late Bus
- Q: So You Wanna Start Doing Karate? A: Wait Until 2001
- Visions of Computer Games on a Late Autumn Evening
- The (Memory of the) Smell of the House You Grew Up In
- Progress Report
- Satisfactory Student
- Year by the Gulf
7th Period Euphoria
Feelin' (The Armbrister Couch, Vol. 2)
- GTA V + Indica Joint (Q4 2013)
- "I Have Been Smoking Marijuana for About 4 Days Now..."
- can·nab·i·noid (/ˈkanəbəˌnoid,kəˈnabə-/)
- High
- Astral Connection
- Vaporwave— YouTube Autoplay Life-Changing Discovery (& Also Scotty)
- Kitchen Counter Vaporizer
- The Best Friends I Ever Had (Mid-2010s Adulthood Distinction)
- C O U C H L O C K E D