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- MurMus
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- MutMXM
- MyMy
- MyMye
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- MysMYZ
- MZMzu
- More Amor
- More Amour
- More Ease
- More Fatter (indie funk group)
- More Giraffes
- More Giraffes & Sweater Beats
- More Hazards More Heroes
- More I See, The
- More Like Trees (strum and bass)
- More Machine Than Man
- More on Mumbles
- More or Les
- More Plastic (Marco & Mathias Vasiliadis)
- More Relation
- More Than a Song
- More Than a Thousand
- More Than Life (Melodic hardcore band from England)
- More Than Most (Alt. Rock/Electro Band from London, UK)
- More Than Skies
- More than Words
- More To Be Announced
- More, Aina (British MC, Singer and Actor originally from Nigeria.)
- Moré, Benny feat. Vargas, Pedro
- Moré, Beny (Cuban singer and bandleader)
- Moré, Beny
- More, Beto (chilean singer)
- More, Billy (Italian drag queen and dance artist)
- Moré, Joaquin
- More, Something
- Moreau, Ana
- Moreau, Jeanne
- Morecambe & Wise
- Moreira Lima, Arthur & Nazareth, Ernesto
- Moreira, Airto (percussionist)
- Moreira, Cida
- Moreira, Wilson (Brazilian samba musician and composer)
- Moreish Idols
- Morel (American electro rock with/by Richard Morel)
- MORÈL (A Dutch based artist, her name is written in caps and with and È)
- Morel, François (French actor, scenarist, singer)
- Morel, George
- Morel, Gérard
- Morel, Jenn
- Moreland & Arbuckle
- Moreland, Doug
- Moreland, John
- Morelenbaum, Dora
- Morelenbaum, Paula
- Morelenbaum²/Sakamoto
- Morelings, The
- Morell, Monica
- Morell, Thaïs
- Morella’s Forest (US rock band from Dayton, OH, active 1992–2002)
- Morelli, Leano
- Morelli, Miguel Angel
- Morelli, Sophie
- Morello, Tom
- Morello, Tom feat. Courtney, Barns
- Morello, Tom feat. Harper, Ben
- Morello, Tom feat. Manchester Orchestra
- Morello, Tom feat. McMahon, Andrew
- Morello, Tom feat. Phantogram
- Morello, Tom feat. X Ambassadors
- Morello, Tom ft. Aoki, Steve & McIlrath, Tim
- Morello, Tom ft. Bassnectar, Big Boi & Killer Mike
- Morello, Tom ft. GZA/Genius, RZA & Herobust
- Morello, Tom ft. K.Flay
- Morello, Tom ft. Knife Party
- Morello, Tom ft. Leikeli47
- Morello, Tom ft. Mensa, Vic
- Morello, Tom ft. Mumford, Marcus
- Morello, Tom ft. Portugal. The Man & Whethan
- Morello, Tom ft. Pretty Lights
- Morello, Tom ft. Restivo, Carl
- Morello, Tom: The Nightwatchman
- Morello, Tom: The Nightwatchman feat. Harper, Ben
- Morello, Tom: The Nightwatchman feat. Jennings, Shooter
- Morello, Tom: The Nightwatchman feat. Tankian, Serj
- Morells, The
- Morelo, Marcela
- Morén, Peter
- Morena, Éric
- Morenas (Italian deep house project)
- Moreno (Gypsy jazz guitarist Moreno Winterstein)
- Moreno (Spanish MC)
- Moreno (Italian rapper)
- Moreno + 2
- Moreno feat. Clementino
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