Classic Morecambe & Wise Songs and Sketches (Soundtrack)
- (We Get Along So Easily) Don’t You Think
- Ton Up Boy
- That Riviera Touch
- Indians
- A Wassailing
- Not Now Later
- Me and My Shadow
- Just Around the Corner
- Boom Oo Yata-ta-ta
- Tape Recorder
- We’re the Guys
- The Happiest Christmas of All
- Singing the Blues
- Songs of Youth
- Positive Thinking
- Get It Right Corporal
- The Pilbroch Bla
- Now That You’re Here
- Your Loving Smile
- The Ambassador of Khasiland
- The ‘B’ Side
- Impressions
- Why Did I Let You Go
- Battery Chickens
- Greig Piano Concerto
- Bring Me Sunshine
Mehr Songtexte

- (We Get Along So Easily) Don't You Think
- We're the Guys
- Now That You're Here
- The 'B' Side
- Grieg's Piano Concerto
- Grieg’s Piano Concerto
- We’re the Guys (Who Drive Your Baby Wild)
- Song of Youth
- Boom Oo Yata‐ta‐ta
- A‐wassailing
- Boom Oo Yatta Ta Ta
- Bring Me Sunshine (Theme From the TV Series ’’Morecambe & Wise’’)
- The ’B’ Side
- The Pibroch Bla
- Grieg Piano Concerto
- Your Loving Smile (And Counter Melody)