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- AWOAxw
- AxwAye
- AyeAyr
- AyrAza
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- AziAzt
- AztAzz
- Amor Eterno
- Amor Fati (French artist)
- Amor Fati & Carlotti, Jean-Marie
- Amor feat.Smith, Tyler
- Amor fou (Italian band)
- Amor Vittone
- Amor, Alex
- amor, interrogación
- Amor, Naïm
- Amor, Nate (US singer‐songwriter)
- Amor, Rafael
- Amora Savant (metalcore band based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US)
- Amoral (Finnish Technical Death/Thrash/Power Metal Band)
- Amore (Italian pop/rock band)
- Amore (UK Opera quartet)
- Amore (Spanish producer)
- amorecarina
- Amoretto (freestyle, known for “Cláve Rocks”)
- Amorf Ördögök
- Amorfo
- Amori, Vena
- Amoriello
- Amorim, Anthony
- Amorim, Felipe
- Amorosi, Vanessa
- Amoroso, Alessandra
- Amoroso, Paco (Argentine freestyle, rap & trap singer)
- Amorphis
- Amorphous (R&B/Hip-Hop artist Jimir Reece Davis)
- Amorphous Androgynous
- Amorphous, Rowland, Kelly & Peniston, CeCe
- Amortis
- Amos (Brazilian metal band)
- Amos (UK Hip-Hop)
- amos de Nuevo León, Los (Mexican band)
- Amos the Kid
- Amos the Transparent
- Amos, Los
- Amos, Sidney
- Amos, Tori
- Amos, Tori feat. Rice, Damien
- Amoss (London drum & bass artist; James Evans; formerly duo)
- Amostra (TR artist)
- Amott, Christopher
- amour (UK Synthpop duo)
- Amour, Raymond
- Amoura (Metalcore Group)
- Amoure (Un Groupe Alsacien)
- Amours, The (R&B sister duo)
- Amp (Richard Walker & Karine Charff: Drone Rock)
- AMP (Christian hip-hop band)
- Amp Fiddler
- Amp Fiddler feat. Bailey Rae, Corinne
- Amparanoia (the band)
- Amparo, Kristin (Swedish singer)
- Amper, Tommy
- Amper, Tommy, Dooren, Debby van, Joelle Jung, Lia Jung, Martienzen, Marion, Kinnen, Ricarda
- Ampere (screamo/emoviolence band)
- Ampersan
- Ampersandre (Musical outlet for &re)
- Ampex (German rock band)
- Amphabian
- Amphetameanies, The (the Amphetameanies are often shortened to the 'Meanies)
- Amphibious Assault
- Amphision
- Ampichino (US rapper Anthony Hunt from Akron, OH)
- Ampie
- Ampil, Joanna
- Amplifetes, The
- Amplificado, John (Brazilian singer)
- amplified (Hong Kong band active in Japan)
- Amplified Heat (Austin, TX blues rock band)
- Amplifier (British alternative/prog/space rock band)
- Amplifiki
- Amplify Dot (Ashley Charles)
- Amplitude (French Scouts & Guides Music Group)
- Amplitusion
- AmpLive (hip hop producer & DJ)
- AmpLive feat. Zion
- AmPm (Japanese duo)
- Amponsah, Ofori
- Ampop (Icelandic band)
- Ampouailh
- Amps, The
- Amputated (United Kingdom brutal death metal)
- Amputated Genitals (Colombian brutal death metal)
- Ampyx
- Amr Diab
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