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- AktAl
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- AllAll
- AllAll
- AllAll
- AllAll
- AllAll
- allAlm
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- AmlAmo
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- AnaAna
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- AndAnd
- AndAnd
- AndAnd
- AndAnd
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- AntAny
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- ArtArt
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- ASAAsh
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- AshASH
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- ATBAtk
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- AttAu
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- AurAUT
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- AutAVA
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- AviAwa
- AwaAwo
- AWOAxw
- AxwAye
- AyeAyr
- AyrAza
- AzaAzi
- AziAzt
- AztAzz
- Aimée (Aimee)
- Aimée Sol
- Aimée, Cyrille
- Aimée, Cyrille & Figueiredo, Diego
- Aimer (Japanese pop singer)
- AIMERS (South Korean boy band)
- Aimi (Japanese voice actress & singer)
- aimless (lo‐fi beatmaker)
- Aimless (Atmospheric Black Metal from Chile)
- AimOniA
- Aimy, Sonia
- Aimyon (Japanese singer-songwriter)
- Ain Soph (Italian band)
- Ain't Dead Yet (Swiss band)
- Aina (Metal Opera)
- Aina (Spanish alternative/Indie band)
- Aina Da Silva
- Aina Haina
- Ainbusk
- Ainda
- Ainda & Bandalos Chinos
- Ainda Não (street band from Valencia)
- Ainé (Italian artist Arnaldo Santoro)
- Áine (Áine Cahill)
- Áine Deane
- Ainge, Becky
- Ainhoa
- Aino & Hajonneet (Finnish power pop/punk rock band)
- Aino Venna
- Ainsworth, Lydia
- aint (Japanese band)
- Aint Afraid
- Aints, The (1991-92 band founded by Ed Kuepper (no exclamation point))
- Aints!, The (2017-2019 band founded by Ed Kuepper (with exclamation point))
- Ainur (Prog rock band from Italy)
- Aiobahn
- Aiobahn feat. KOCHO
- Aiobahn feat. KOTOKO
- Aiobahn feat. somunia
- aioi feat. Kamata, Junko
- Aïoli
- AION (Polish gothic metal band)
- Aion-6
- Aiona (Singer/songwriter from Brampton)
- Aiono, Alex
- Aique, Nel
- Air (French band)
- AIR (Japanese band)
- Air (70s–80s US jazz trio)
- Air (Herbie Mann’s backing band)
- Air (US jazz rock band)
- Air & Baricco, Alessandro
- Air & Hirsch, Beth
- Air Castles (Max Mansson, Sweden)
- Air Circus
- Air Combat Command Heritage of America Band
- Air Dubai
- Air Dubai feat. Lynn, Patricia
- Air feat. Cocker, Jarvis
- Air feat. Hannon, Neil
- Air feat. Tracks, Gordon
- Air Formation
- Air France (Swedish pop)
- Air I Breathe, The
- Air Miami
- Air Power
- Air Raid (Swedish metal band)
- Air Review
- Air Supply
- Air Traffic
- Air Traffic Control
- Air Traffic Controller
- Air Waves (US project by singer-songwriter Nicole Schneit)
- Aira Mitsuki
- Aira Mitsuki×SaoriRinne
- Airbag (Spanish pop punk band)
- Airbag (Argentinian rock band)
- Airbag (Norway, progressive rock)
- Airbase (trance/progressive DJ & producer from Gothenburg, Sweden)
- Airbase feat. Floria Ambra
- Airbase feat. Floria Ambra
- Airbeat One Project
- Airbiscuit
- AiRBLUE Bird (CUE!)
- AiRBLUE Flower (CUE!)
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