Blizzard Entertainment Songtexte
Gründung am 08. Februar 1991

- Hive
- Hellfire Intro (Cinematics)
- Crypts
- Menu
- Confrontation
- Caves (Lofi)
- Imminent Ruination (Lofi)
- The Wrath of Angels (Lofi)
- Nostrava (Lofi)
- Chains of Fate (Lofi)
- Wilderness (Lofi)
- Siege: Hero (Lofi)
- The Heavens Shall Tremble (Lofi)
- Gale Valley (Lofi)
- Firebreak Manor (Lofi)
- Mother of Sanctuary (Lofi)
- Halls (Lofi)
- The Eternal Conflict (Lofi)
- New Dawn (Lofi)
- Siege: Loot Goblin (Lofi)
- Tristram (Lofi)
- Reaper of Souls (Lofi)
- Tamoe Highlands (Lofi)
- Stranglethorn Vale
- Tavern- Forsaken Inns
- Dun Morogh
- Burning Steppes
- Capital of the Humans
- Thunder Bluff
- The Felwood
- Valley of the Heroes
- Stormwind
- Redridge Mountains
- Cursed Lands
- Song of Elune
- Tavern- The Alliance (Lion's Pride)
- Angelic Moonfall
- Druid Grove
- Echoes of the Past
- Capital of the Taurens
- Battle in Blackrock Spire
- Un'Goro Crater
- Darnassus
- The Shaping of the World
- Haunted Graveyard
- Gurubashi Empire
- Sacred Voices
- Stonetalon Mountains
- Tirisfal Glades
- Legends of Azeroth
- Warrior's Terrace
- Gnomeregan
- Silithus
- Seasons of War (Intro Movie)
- Deadwind Pass
- Tavern- The Horde
- A Call to Arms
- Capital of the Forsaken
- Temple of Elune
- Swamp of Sorrows
- Battle in Blackfathom Deeps
- Searing Gorge
- WarCraft Suite
- Battle for the Alliance
- Durotar
- Goldshire
- The Front Gate
- Ruins
- Ashenvale
- Holy Curse
- Tanaris
- Capital of the Orcs
- Hall of Explorers
- Mulgore
- Duskwood
- Shimmering Flats
- Welcome to Ironforge
- Maraudon
- Westfall
- Tinker Town
- Quest Complete
- Deadmines
- The Great Forge
- The Undercity
- Legacy
- Blasted Lands
- Elwynn Forest
- Capital of the Dwarves
- Capital of the Night Elves
- King Magni Bronzebeard
- The Plaguelands
- Enchanted Forest
- Better Hand
- Pull Up a Chair (Main Title)
- Orc 2 - Bonus Track (Synthwave)
- Dragonflight Main Theme (synthwave)
- Orgrimmar (Synthwave)
- Barrens (Synthwave)
- Orc 2 Orc (Synthwave)
- Pig and Whistle (Lofi)
- Totems of the Grizzlemaw (synthwave)
- Elwynn Forest (Lofi)
- Stormwind (Lofi)
- Thrall Aggra (Synthwave)
- Lament of the Highborne (synthwave)
- Daughter of the Sea (Lofi)
- Legends of Azeroth (synthwave)
- A World Divided
- Depths of Vashj’ir
- Essence of Anguish
- Defenders of Azeroth
- Kingdoms Will Burn
- The Way Is Our Purpose
- The King & The Queen
- Through the Roof of the World
- Drought
- Seat of the Primus
- Reforged
- The Shattering
- Take To The Skies (Launch Cinematic)
- Forged in Blood
- Ramattra Origin
- The Exhibit
- The Burning Legion [Main Title]
- Reunion
- Opening
- Shooting Star
- Arreat Crater
- Pandaria N’zothed
- Night Warrior
- The Traveler’s Path
- Blizzard World
- The Essence of Discovery (Bonus Track)
- Halls of Agony
- The Dark Lady
- Vulpera Allied Race
- Talon
- Pandemonium
- Overwatch Fanfare
- The Culling
- Hollywood
- Anduin Raid Finale
- The Isles Awaken
- Lijiang Tower
- Illidan
- From The Depths
- …And Overwatch for All
- Rakkis Crossing
- Victory
- Cathedral
- Festering Woods
- Hero
- New Tristram
- Wrath of the Lich King (Main Title)
- Sartor, Grodoloth, Kordoroth…
- The Tower of Karazhan
- A New Era
- Rise and Shine
- Dragonflight Announce Cinematic
- Heroes Among Us (Bonus Track)
- Wrathion Corrupted
- The Sin’dorei
- The Dragon’s Hoard
- Crusader
- Might of the Storm
- Null Sector
- The Last Bastion
- Westmarch
- Chateau Gilliard
- Uldum N’zothed
- Dorado
- Tristram
- Moira
- Temple of Anubis
- The World Could Always Use More Heroes (Cinematic Intro)
- The Eternal Conflict
- Caldeum
- Kul Tiran Battle
- We Are Overwatch
- Wrathion Heroic
- The Wrath Gate
- Prepare to Attack
- Sewers
- Silver Spire
- Blood for Blood
- Islands Snowblossom
- The Labyrinth
- Alive
- Shattered Legacies
- Bastions Keep
- Anthem (Bonus Track)
- Islands Crestfall
- Horizon Lunar Colony
- Old Mad Eye
- Spider Caves
- Long Live Ansurek
- City of Threads
- The Wilds
- Unbound
- Galleons of the Sky
- The War Within
- The Darkening of Beledar
- Holders of Hope
- Echoes of the World Soul
- Legacy of Arathor