Belushi Speed Ball Songtexte
Doug Dimmadome (Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome)
Super Saiyan Vegeta Is a Good Dad
I'm Already Halfway There
Gründung 2013
Vincent Castellano
Daniel Neel
- My Favorite Color is Pizza
- This is the Peak
- Eels and Escalators
- Get to the Point
- Glass Bones III (skit)
- Glass Bones and Paper Skin IV
- The Adventures of Rick and Mortarion
- Garth, Let My Family Go
- Griffith Did Literally Everything Wrong
- The Hash Slinging Slasher
- The Accountant's Due (Stab the Katana)
- Tater Tot Eyes
- PG-13 (skit)
- Metroidvania is All the Rage
Mehr Songtexte
- Dirty Mike and the Boys
- Doug Dimmadome (Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome)
- Dirty Dan and Pinhead Larry
- Get Born
- 4 Fried Chickens and a Coke
- Heartripper
- Ravioli, Ravioli Give Me the Formuoli
- The Alias of Mike Honcho
- Zero Ain't No Megaman
- Gnome Chompski
- Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen
- I'm Already Halfway There
- Daniel Neel Is the Best Drummer Alive
- Hash Slinging Slasher
- The Spinelli’s Slam
- Jack Burton... ME!
- Shut the Snarf Up Mortal
- Power Speed Ball Rangers (Power Rangers Parody)
- Team Rocket Theme
- Sir Droolington
- Sega Chord
- I'm Sorry I Ruined Your New Years Eve Party (but She Tasted Like Cigarettes)
- We Aren't Thrashers, We Are Hipster Posers
- The Bleeps, the Sweeps, and the Creeps
- Los Muertos
- You Can't Rocksteady Without a Little Bebop
- Glass Bones and Paper Skin
- Dog Birthday Is Dead
- We Bite! (Misfits cover)
- Wombology
- Anchor Arms
- Captain Planet Can't Stop Us
- Tony Mojito Hardcore for the People
- Devastation Nation
- Wumbology (Belushi Speed Ball cover)
- Wumbology (It's First Grade Spongebob)
- Ravioli Ravioli Give Me the Formuoli
- Anchor Arms (Joel Grind Master)
- Ravioli Ravioli Give Me the Formuoli (Joel Grind Master)
- The Spinelli's Slam
- The Spinelli's Slam (Joel Grind Master)
- Four Fried Chickens and a Coke
- Smitty Werben Jaegerman Jensen (He Was Number One!)
- You Can't Rock Steady Without a Little Bebop
- Power Speed Ball