
Mehr Songtexte

  1. YDKJ Who's the Dummy Bumper
  2. YDKJ Question Segue 10
  3. FIBBAGE XL: Main Question
  4. Fibbage 3: Picker Music
  5. Foggy Facts with Old Man
  6. Slam Poetry Class
  7. YDKJ Post Question Loop -- Serf
  8. JB Write Round 1
  9. JB Write Round 2
  10. Bedroom Buddies
  11. YDKJ Question Segue 1
  12. YDKJ Question Segue 2
  13. YDKJ Question Segue 3
  14. YDKJ Question Segue 4
  15. YDKJ Question Segue 5
  16. YDKJ Question Segue 6
  17. YDKJ Question Segue 7
  18. YDKJ Question Segue 8
  19. YDKJ Question Segue 9
  20. JB Background 1
  21. JB Background 2
  22. MVC Write Loop 4
  23. Recipe of the Day Toilet Paper (Jingle)
  24. MVC Write Loop 5
  25. MVC Write Loop 2
  26. MVC Write Loop 3
  27. Patently Stupid Intro
  28. Fibbage 3: Answer Reveals (all)
  29. DRAWFUL: Choose Music
  30. MVC Write Loop 1
  31. JB Credits Song
  32. YDKJ Question Segue 7f
  33. YDKJ Question Segue 7e
  34. YDKJ Question Segue 7d
  35. YDKJ Question Segue 4 (retro)
  36. TMP2 Welcome/Elevator
  37. Fibbage 3: Round 3 Background
  38. TMP2 Shuffle It In
  39. QUIP3 Final Round Vote
  40. Quiplash 2: Lobby Music
  41. TMP: Unused Question Music 1
  42. TMP: Unused Question Music 2
  43. Monster Seeking Monster: Lobby
  44. QUIP3 Scoreboard
  45. Monster Seeking Monster: Night Bumpers (all)
  46. YDKJ Post Question Loop -- Norlins
  47. TMP2 Final Round
  48. TMP2 Saxy
  49. FIBBAGE XL: Lobby Music
  50. YDKJ Question Segue 7c
  51. Quiplash 2: Round 1 Write Music
  52. Fibbage 3: EAY Answer Truth
  53. FIBBAGE XL: Round 3 Choose Music
  54. YDKJ Question Segue 7b
  55. TMP2 Pegs Theme
  56. MVC Credits Rap
  57. TMP2 Me and My Dad
  58. YDKJ Question Segue 7a
  59. Fibbage 3: Celeb Social Media Bumper
  60. YDKJ Ask/Countdown Music 1
  61. YDKJ Ask/Countdown Music 2
  62. YDKJ Ask/Countdown Music 3
  63. YDKJ Ask/Countdown Music 4
  64. YDKJ Ask/Countdown Music 5
  65. YDKJ Screw Decide/Choose Music
  66. QUIP3 Write Final
  67. Fibbage 3: Round 3 Write
  68. Fakin' It: Credits Song
  69. TMP: Unused Idea 1
  70. TMP: Unused Idea 2
  71. PTB Lobby
  72. Civic Doodle: Lobby
  73. LIE SWATTER: Credits Theme
  74. FIBBAGE XL: Round 3 Question
  75. Who's the Dummy?
  76. TMP: Math Weasel Timer
  77. TMP2 Organica
  78. QUIP3 Credits
  79. Fibbage 3: Opening Logo
  80. Fibbage 3: Scoreboard
  81. Fibbage 3: EAY Answer Truth (extended)
  82. TMP: "Kazooey"
  83. YDKJ Foggy Facts Bumper
  84. Fibbage 3: Choose V1
  85. Fibbage 3: Choose V2
  86. PTB Opinion Hold
  87. High Horse Coffee
  88. TMP: "Large March"
  89. DRAWFUL: Main Theme (no lead)
  90. TMP2 Chunky Dory
  91. CHAMPD Tutorial
  92. Civic Doodle: Round 1 Draw (Pt. 2)
  93. Civic Doodle: Round 1 Draw (Pt. 1)
  94. YDKJ Binjpipe Bubble Loop
  95. PTB Deliberation Room
  96. Chocky's Allergy Clusters
  97. Hoofs of Love
  98. Patently Stupid Draw 1
  99. JB Cap'n Ditty Round 1
  100. JB Cap'n Ditty Round 2
  101. Fakin' It: Vote Summary Music
  102. TMP2 Scaremin
  103. Animal Lovers Boutique (Jingle)
  104. YDKJ Post-Question Loop 1
  105. Civic Doodle: Credits Song
  106. WORDSPUD: Background Loop 1
  107. MVC Scoreboard
  108. Fakin' It: Final Round Timer 1
  109. WORDSPUD: Background Loop 2
  110. MVC Vote Loop
  111. Fakin' It: Final Round Timer 2
  112. WORDSPUD: Loop 1
  113. WORDSPUD: Loop 2
  114. WORDSPUD: Loop 3
  115. WORDSPUD: Loop 4
  116. WORDSPUD: Loop 5
  117. Don't Say Pajamas!
  118. YDKJ Post-Question Loop 3
  119. Fakin' It: Final Round Music
  120. YDKJ Post-Question Loop 2
  121. John Taylor's Suit Emporium
  122. YDKJ Post-Question Loop 5
  123. YDKJ Disordat
  124. YDKJ Post-Question Loop 4
  125. Quiplash 2: Round 3 Score Reveal
  126. Fakin' It: Timer Music 1
  127. Fakin' It: Timer Music 2
  128. Fibbage 3: Time to Look at This Bumper
  129. Fakin' It: Timer Music 3
  130. Fakin' It: Timer Music 4
  131. Fibbage 3: Russian Bumper
  132. Fibbage 3: Lobby
  133. Glug Light Beer
  134. YDKJ DisOrDat Music
  135. QUIP3 Round 1 Vote
  136. It's Never Too Late Adult Orphanage
  137. CHAMPD Credits
  138. Patently Stupid Draw Final
  139. TMP: Loser Wheel Dun Dun Dun
  140. QUIP3 Round 2 Vote
  141. The Stand-Up Comedy News Team
  142. CHAMPD Create 1
  143. CHAMPD Create 2
  144. CHAMPD Create 3
  145. CHAMPD Create 4
  146. Evan Jacover: Best Friend for Hire
  147. Quiplash 2: UGC Music
  148. QUIP3 Write 1
  149. QUIP3 Write 2
  150. MVC Instructions Loop
  151. Fibbage 3: EAY Logo Theme
  152. FIBBAGE XL: Round 3 Write Music
  153. FIBBAGE XL: Round 3 Background Loop
  154. Stanton's Rhyming Dictionary
  155. TMP: "Good Evening"
  156. BBQ Street
  157. TMP: "Clownz"
  158. Question 5 Mega Mix
  159. TMP: Tutorial Music
  160. Trupia Brothers Furniture
  161. Quiplash 2: Credits Music
  162. Piddle Paddle
  163. Fibbage 3: Round 3 Choose (extended)
  164. Monster Seeking Monster: Credits Song
  165. Fibbage 3: Round 2 Bumper
  166. JB Write Final Round
  167. Fakin' It: Final Round Timer 3
  168. FIBBAGE XL: Main Theme
  169. CemeTerry's Mortuary
  170. Recipe of the Day Toilet Paper
  171. Patently Stupid Theme (vocals)
  172. Fakin' It: Background Music 1
  173. TMP: "Jacked Up"
  174. YDKJ KPAU Bumper
  175. DRAWFUL: Main Theme
  176. No Surprise Jack-in-the-Box
  177. Fibbage 3: Round 3 Question
  178. FIBBAGE XL: Main Write Music
  179. Monster Seeking Monster: Chat 4
  180. Question 2 Segue
  181. Monster Seeking Monster: Chat 5
  182. Fibbage 3: Round 3 Write (unused)
  183. I Hate Jeff Hansen
  184. TMP: List of the Dead Song
  185. Fibbage 3: Question V1
  186. Fibbage 3: Question V2
  187. Monster Seeking Monster: Chat 1
  188. Fakin' It: Winner Trophy
  189. Monster Seeking Monster: Chat 2
  190. YDKJ Gibberish loop
  191. Monster Seeking Monster: Chat 3
  192. Fibbage 3: Choose V2 (extended)
  193. Three-Day Energy
  194. TMP2 Opening Credits
  195. LIE SWATTER: Lobby Theme
  196. TMP2 Credits Song
  197. TMP: Opening Theme
  198. Quiplash 2: Round 2 Vote Music
  199. Carpet: The Musical
  200. Fibbage 3: Lobby Music (vocals)
  201. JB Vote 1
  202. JB Vote 2
  203. JB Vote 3
  204. JB Vote 4
  205. JB Vote 5
  206. JB Vote 6
  207. JB Vote 7
  208. JB Vote 8
  209. Fibbage 3: Round 3 Write (extended)
  210. Monster Seeking Monster: Scoreboard
  211. YDKJ Post Question Loop -- Thunky
  212. Fibbage 3: Russian Bumper (alt)
  213. Fibbage 3: Credits Song
  214. YDKJ Post Question Loop -- Clavvy
  215. Fibbage 3: Main Background
  216. Quiplash 2: Background Music
  217. Vance VanVan's Van Lot
  218. QUIP3 Unused Write
  219. TMP: "Tastes Funny"
  220. Baby Carrots
  221. YDKJ O, C, Q E or F Bumper (monster)
  222. TMP: Credits Song
  223. YDKJ Post Question Loop - Blews
  224. YDKJ Theme (outro)
  225. Tim Simian Chimp Mechanic (Jingle)
  226. YDKJ Datamining Bumper
  227. YDKJ DisOrDat Intro Music
  228. DRAWFUL: Draw Music
  229. Elephant, Mustard, Teddy Roosevelt or Dracula
  230. Patently Stupid Task 1
  231. WORDSPUD: Lobby Music
  232. FIBBAGE XL: Main Choose Music
  233. JB Topics
  234. Patently Stupid Task 3
  235. Patently Stupid Task 2
  236. TMP: Final Round Music
  237. CHAMPD Lobby
  238. PTB Credits Song
  239. Patently Stupid Invest
  240. Quiplash 2: Round 2 Write Music
  241. Faking It: 3, 2, 1, Go!
  242. YDKJ Jack Attack
  243. YDKJ Background Loop
  244. TMP2 Barry
  245. LIE SWATTER: Background Loop 7
  246. LIE SWATTER: Background Loop 1
  247. LIE SWATTER: Background Loop 2
  248. LIE SWATTER: Background Loop 3
  249. LIE SWATTER: Background Loop 4
  250. LIE SWATTER: Background Loop 5
  251. LIE SWATTER: Background Loop 6
  252. LIE SWATTER: Background Loop 8
  253. LIE SWATTER: Background Loop 9
  254. YDKJ Question Segue 2 (Alt.)
  255. JB Lobby Theme
  256. Monster Seeking Monster: Intro Tutorial
  257. YDKJ O, C, Q E or F Bumper (doctor)
  258. Fibbage 3: Write V2
  259. Fibbage 3: Write V1
  260. Cookie's Ringtone
  261. QUIP3 Background 2
  262. Fibbage 3: Round 1 Bumper
  263. QUIP3 Background 1
  264. DRAWFUL: Write Music
  265. FIBBAGE XL: Category Select
  266. YDKJ Theme (organ)
  267. MVC Rap Loop 01
  268. MVC Rap Loop 02
  269. YDKJ Jack Attack (alt)
  270. LIE SWATTER: Background Loop 10
  271. The Shower List
  272. Gerontolopallooza
  273. YDKJ Theme
  274. Quiplash 2: Round 3 Write Music
  275. PTB Humans Win
  276. Office Sounds Radio #1
  277. Office Sounds Radio #2
  278. YDKJ Post Question Loop -- PokeYa
  279. MVC Rap Loop 13
  280. MVC Rap Loop 14
  281. MVC Rap Loop 15
  282. MVC Rap Loop 16
  283. MVC Rap Loop 17
  284. Fibbage 3: Choose V1 (extended)
  285. Patently Stupid Present V1
  286. Fakin' It: Prompt Read Timer
  287. TMP: "Organ Meats"
  288. FIBBAGE XL: Main Background Loop
  289. PTB Aliens Win
  290. Patently Stupid Present V2
  291. Fibbage 3: Write V1 (extended)
  292. Fibbage 3: Write V2 (extended)
  293. YDKJ Round Break
  294. TMP2 Lobby
  295. TMP: "Accordion To Me"
  296. PTB Drawing Quarters
  297. TMP2 Howdya Do Vox (unused)
  298. YDKJ Question Music 1
  299. YDKJ Question Music 2
  300. YDKJ Question Music 3
  301. YDKJ Question Music 4
  302. YDKJ Question Music 5
  303. Fibbage 3: Round 3 Choose
  304. PTB Unused Loop 1
  305. PTB Unused Loop 2
  306. PTB Unused Loop 3
  307. Civic Doodle: Background Loop
  308. PTB Writing Pod
  309. MVC Rap Loop 10
  310. MVC Rap Loop 11
  311. MVC Rap Loop 12
  312. DRAWFUL: Background Loop
  313. Fibbage 3: Round 3 Bumper
  314. Patently Stupid Present Final
  315. Patently Stupid Theme
  316. TMP2 Swingio
  317. Fakin' It: Lobby Music
  318. Quiplash 2: Title Music
  319. Civic Doodle: Round 3 Draw
  320. QUIP3 Lobby
  321. TMP2 Howdya Do
  322. TMP2 Unused Stupidity
  323. PTB Bioscanner Room
  324. TMP2 List of the Dead Song
  325. Monster Seeking Monster: Chat 6 (Last Night)
  326. MVC Rap Loop 03
  327. MVC Rap Loop 04
  328. MVC Rap Loop 05
  329. MVC Rap Loop 06
  330. MVC Rap Loop 07
  331. MVC Rap Loop 08
  332. MVC Rap Loop 09
  333. LIE SWATTER: Category Loop
  334. JB Cap'n Ditty Final Round
  335. JB Scoreboard
  336. Quiplash 2: Round 1 Vote Music
  337. Civic Doodle: Round 2 Draw (Pt. 1)
  338. Civic Doodle: Round 2 Draw (Pt. 2)
  339. MVC Credits
  340. CHAMPD Battle 1
  341. CHAMPD Battle 2
  342. WHEEL Credits
  343. WHEEL Wheel Spin Loops
  344. DRAW_ANIM VoteReveal
  345. WHEEL Unused Idea 1
  346. DRAW_ANIM Scoreboard
  347. DRAW_ANIM Background
  348. DRAW_ANIM Draw2
  349. DRAW_ANIM Draw1
  350. DRAW_ANIM Write2
  351. DRAW_ANIM Write4
  352. WHEEL Scoreboard
  353. WHEEL Question Series 2
  354. WHEEL Question Series 4
  355. DRAW_ANIM Lobby
  356. WHEEL Unused Idea 2
  357. DRAW_ANIM Credits
  358. DRAW_ANIM DecoyReveal
  359. WHEEL Opening Question
  360. WHEEL Host Intro
  361. DRAW_ANIM UnusedSketch
  362. WHEEL Lobby
  363. DRAW_ANIM Write1
  364. DRAW_ANIM Write3
  365. DRAW_ANIM Write5
  366. DRAW_ANIM Vote1
  367. DRAW_ANIM Vote3
  368. DRAW_ANIM Vote2
  369. DRAW_ANIM Vote5
  370. DRAW_ANIM Vote4
  371. WHEEL Question Series 1
  372. WHEEL Question Series 3
  373. HYPNO Question 6
  374. HYPNO Question 4
  375. HYPNO Question 5
  376. HYPNO Question 2
  377. HYPNO Credits
  378. HYPNO Question 3
  379. HYPNO Question 1
  380. HYPNO Tutorial
  381. HYPNO Credits Theme
  382. HYPNO Grouping 4
  383. HYPNO Grouping 5
  384. HYPNO Grouping 2
  385. HYPNO Grouping 3
  386. HYPNO Grouping 1
  387. HYPNO Role Reveal
  388. HYPNO Grouping 6
  389. HYPNO Lobby
  390. HYPNO Answer Reveals
  391. HYPNO Group Reveal
  392. HYPNO Unused Farty
  393. HYPNO Unused Loop
  394. HYPNO Accusation
  395. HYPNO Scoreboard
  396. HYPNO Background


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