
Girl's Got a Brand New Toy deutsche Übersetzung
von T.X.T.

Girl's Got a Brand New Toy Lyrics Übersetzung

Original Text
All of my life I've been waiting for you
Tear down the walls
I'll take everything.
And I'll show you all of the things we can do
Don't make a sound
dont' say anything.
She don't know how to play
she don't know how to play with it.
Girl's got a brand new boy
She don't know how to play
she don't know how to play with him.
Make a decision there's no time to loose
Dream of the night
love will let you in.
Don't hide away
only your heart can win.
She don't know how to play
she don't know how to play with it.
She don't know how to play
she don't know how to play with it.
She don't know how to play
she don't know how to play with it.
She don't know how to play
she don't know how to play with it.

zuletzt bearbeitet von Manfred (Brusel1963) am 19. März 2018, 18:52

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