
Stardust Songtext
von Lena

Stardust Songtext

We've been waiting for the sun
We've been waiting for the sun
To come out and play
All these rainy days
Are getting on.

We've been waiting for the stars
We've been waiting for the stars
Just to light the way
And take a night away
And hang us odd

So no one can catch us
Nothing can change this
Covered in stardust
Things so glowing
Jumping off the edge
Reaching for the moon
Living everyday
Things all go like
Oohhooo oho oho oho oho oohhooh
Oohhooo oho oho oho oho oohhooh
Oohhooo oho oho oho oho oohhooh

We are waiting on a dream
We are waiting on a dream
So we go to sleep
But nothing happens when
We wait too long

So we go and

No one can catch us
Nothing can change this
Covered in stardust
Things so glowing
Jumping off the edge
Reaching for the moon
Living everyday
Things all go like
Oohhooo oho oho oho oho oohhooh
Oohhooo oho oho oho oho oohhooh
Oohhooo oho oho oho oho oohhooh

No one can catch us
Nothing can change this
Covered in stardust
Things so glowing
Jumping off the edge
Reaching for the moon
Living everyday
Things all go like

No one can catch us
Nothing can change this
Covered in stardust
Things so glowing
Jumping off the edge
Reaching for the moon
Living everyday

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Danke Leute !!!


Ich liebe dieses Lied. Jeden Tag mindestens einmal abspielen. Mein absolutes Lieblingslied!!!!!!!!!

I Love it... i don't care... i love it...

lea lender

I love this song. You to??


Awww so toll ❤✌


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