
We Are the Next 1000 Years Songtext
von Behemoth

We Are the Next 1000 Years Songtext

Oh sun and moon beheld!
When we rose up from dust
No sound or song would dare dispraise
The might we have become

We hail to Thee, o avenging force
We are the dawn ov New Jerusalem
We are the ending ov all days
We are the next 1000 years

To Christ, falls saviour on the cross
To the Emperor ov Rome
To Christ, falls saviour on the cross
To the devil in our souls

We go where no mortals dare to go
Explore that human flesh yet not explored
The tree ov god shall not withstand the ruthless storm
We are the death that rides the pale horse

We hail to Thee, o avenging force
We are the deportees from the Promised Land
Fallen but we rewrite the history with blood
We are the next 1000 years

To Christ, falls saviour on the cross
To the Emperor ov Rome
To Christ, falls saviour on the cross
For devil our souls

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