zykO Songtexte
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 'Mysticism 2000'
Geboren am 31. August 1980 als Waleed Hawatky

- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 'Of Twilight and Redemption' OC ReMix
- Crack Down '4:20 A.M.' OC ReMix
- Final Fantasy VII 'Of Transformants and Brevity' OC ReMix
- Seiken Densetsu 3 'At First Innocence' OC ReMix
- The Guardian Legend 'The Legend of Lightning Larry' OC ReMix
- Final Fantasy VI 'Keep Out the Veldt' OC ReMix
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 'Mysticism 2000'
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 'Pokerface' VGMix
- The Great Migration of the Serengeti
- Lament of the Shapeshifter
- Adventure Island II: Aliens in Paradise: Strange Island
- Cave Girl
- Maita'i Roa
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past: A Dark World
- Nutz in the Head
- Token Up
- Backwards Room
- All Mixxed Up
- Just Like You (Mega Man X3 - Tunnel Rhino Stage)
- Hunter (Maverick Hunter X - Opening Stage Vile)
- The Apes of Wrath
- Drifter [Metroid Prime Ice Valley]
- Cave Girl [Ayla's Theme]
- Suprise Girl (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
- The Great Migration of the Serengeti (Kenya)
- Nutz in the Head (Nuts and Bolts GBA)
- All Mixxed Up (Hot Pursuit GBA)
- el viejito
- to mars and back
- a mild suggestive moment
- somehow, my love
- B43
- communicate me
- l'araña
- these T-Rex arms of mine
- brother, brother
- Token Up (Token Tango)
- Backwards Room (Run, Rambi! Run!)
- The Apes of Wrath (Boss Bossanova)
- The Union of Differing Elements
- Snakeyes (Battle Theme B)
- #unanimous #undisputed (Super Smash Bros. For Wii U)
- Hotel Pollyanna
- Metroid Fusion - The Union of Differing Elements
- Mario Series - Monster Baby
- Snow Brothers - Another Chance
- Age of Empires - I Walk With the Ancestors
- Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time - OMG, I'm Lost… Again
- The Guardian Legend - The Legend of Lightning Larry
- Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening - Perchance to Dream with Waking Eyes
- Castlevania 3 - Timebombed
- Legend of Zelda: Adventures of Link: Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt
- Another Dream Will Start from Here (Legend of Zelda)
- Variations in Melancholy Minor (Sad Song)
- The Long War (Sonic the Hedgehog 2)
- Homeland [VOID INTRO]
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 "The Long War" OC ReMix
- Contact
- The Road to Tolerance (Different Road)
- The Darkness Is Already Here (Dark Rift)
- Fever Dream (from "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D")
- Portrait of a Fragile Man
- Punch Drunk Beneath a Lazy Tree (Sanctuar)
- Cave Girl [Ayla’s Theme]
- The Legend of Zelda “Another Dream Will Start from Here” OC ReMix