For Your Love Bonus DVD Audio Tracks
- My Life and Times
- Billy: What is Zwan?
- My Life and Times
- Rivers We Can't Cross
- Matt: What is Zwan?
- Mary Star of the Sea
- Love Lies in Ruin
- David: Who are you and where did you come from?
- For Your Love
- Chord
- Jimmy: Who are you and where did you come from?
- Down, Down, Down
- A New Poetry
- Paz: What do you like to do in your spare time?
- W.P.
- Matt: Please explain the different incarnations. . .
- Jesus, I / God's Gonna Set This World on Fire
- Billy: What's your problem?
- To Love You
- Jimmy: Please explain the different incarnations. . .
- Consumed
- My Life and Times
- Danger Boy
- Paz: What's your problem?
- Spilled Milk
Mehr Songtexte

- Baby Let's Rock!
- Nobody 'cept You
- Autumn Leaves
- The Number of the Beast
- Freedom Ain't What It Used to Be
- [Intro]
- Jesus, I - God's Gonna Set This World on Fire
- Who We Be (tease)
- Sorrow
- Never Let Go
- Roma Girl
- The Girl With the Sad Face
- (band introduction)
- [untitled]
- Jesus, I
- Riverview
- Friends as Lovers, Lovers as Friends
- Baby Let's Rock
- My Life + Times
- Desire (2002-09-16t01)
- The Shining Path
- God's Gonna Set This World on Fire
- Number of the Beast
- Intro to...
- Love to Love You
- Chrysanthenum
- Revolve
- Yesterday (tease)
- I'm Eighteen
- Permanence
- Don't Let Me Down
- Never My Love
- New Room
- Matt's Rap
- Closing Music
- Candy Came Calling
- And So I Died of a Broken Heart
- I Held a Rose
- Band Speak
- A Certain Kind of Change
- Never Give Up
- Song for Judy
- Just to See My Holly Home
- Declaration of Faith
- Cast a Stone
- Mary, Star of the Sea
- El-A-Noy
- Always
- Never My Love [The Association]
- Interlude
- What Have They Done to Me?
- How Things Are
- Prairie Song
- Chicks Just Get in the Way
- I Love the Living You
- Ring the Bells
- What the World Needs Now Is Love
- Careless Love
- Wasting Time
- Pony Express
- Yeah
- The Empty Sea
- Glorious
- Silly Sally
- My Dream
- Solace and Serenity
- Intro
- Diamonds
- What Have They Done to Me
- Ride a Black Swan (intro)
- The Spy Tra La
- Jesus I
- Chrysanthemum
- Come With Me (2002-09-23t02)
- Meet Me in the City
- On the Meaning of Loss
- Behold a Pale Horse
- If Your're Gone
- Born in the U.S.A.
- Dignified and Old
- Desert Plains
- Here I Am
- Unity
- Old Dan Tucker
- Tonight I Think
- Dust My Broom
- The World Goes Round
- Egypt Jam
- All Day and All of the Night
- Freedom Ain’t What It Used to Be
- God’s Gonna Set This World on Fire
- Nobody ’cept You
- Rivers We Can’t Cross
- Solance and Serenity
- Whatever Whenever
- Chrysantheum
- How Thing's Are
- Friends and Lovers
- [band introduction]
- Endless Summer (abandoned)
- [talking]
- End Jam
- Baby, Let's Rock!
- Broken Heart
- Jesus, I/God's Gonna Set This World On Fire
- Hearsong
- Heartsong (Abandoned)
- Jesus, I -> God's Gonna Set This World on Fire
- Intro To
- Baby, Let's Rock
- Jesus I-God's Gonna Set This World on Fire
- Encore Break
- The Number of the Beast [Iron Maiden]
- Girl With the Cruel Face
- God's Gonna Set This World
- Jesus, I > God's Gonna Set This World on Fire
- (Get Up on That Horse and Ride improv)
- Don't Let Me Down [The Beatles]
- [banter]
- How Things Are Supposed to Be
- Whatever, Whenever
- (God of Thunder improv)
- I Know My Time Is Coming Round
- Freedom Ain't What It Is
- To Wonder, To Suffer
- [Matts new riff]
- The World Goes 'Round
- All Day and All of the Night [The Kinks]
- [Encore]
- [Outro]
- [Enter the Baby]
- Desire [abandoned]
- Signal This Strong
- Friends as Lovers
- I'm Eighteen [Alice Cooper]
- Consumed [9-16-02]
- Glorious [11-16-01]
- Sorrow [11-16-01]
- I Know My Time Is Coming Round [4-08-02]
- To Wonder to Suffer [4-14-02]
- Pony Express [12-13-01]
- Roma Girl [12-13-01]
- My Life and Times [11-16-01]
- Diamonds [9-30-02]
- Love Lies in Ruins [2-8-03]
- Solace and Serenity [12-14-01]
- Friends as Lovers, Lovers as Friends [2-8-03]
- Outro
- The Spy Tra La [12-13-01]
- The Empty Sea [11-16-01]
- Chicks [12-13-01]
- For Your Love [2-8-03]
- I Know My Time Is Coming
- The Girl With a Sad Face [10-7-09]
- All Day and All of the Night [Kinks]
- God's Gonna Set This World on Fire [12-13-01]
- To Wander, to Suffer
- The Shining Path [11-16-01]
- I Held a Rose [10-7-02]
- Revolve [12-13-01]
- Dust My Broom [4-13-02]
- Number of the Beast [12-13-01]
- Rivers We Can't Cross [4-14-02]
- Don't Let Me Down [6-13-03]
- Never My Love [1-22-03]
- A Certain Kind of Change [1-22-03]
- Wp [12-13-01]
- Song for Judy [10-14-02]
- My Dream [12-13-01]
- "X-Rated Rock and Roll!" (Banter)
- What Have They Done to Me [11-16-01]
- Opening
- Ah the Moonlight [9-9-02]
- A New Poetry [4-14-02]
- Jesus, I / God's Gonna Set Thi
- Wasting Time [12-13-01]
- Prarie Song [9-9-02]
- Whatever Whenever [12-14-01]
- Freedom Ain't What It Used to Be [12-13-01]
- Jesus, I [Lyte] / God's Gonna Set This World on Fire
- Chrysanthemum [11-16-01]
- Permanence [11-16-01]
- Jesus, I [Lyte] / Mary Star of the Sea
- Candy Came Calling [12-13-01]
- Spilled Milk [2-14-03]
- (Encore Call #1)
- (Encore Call #2)
- Dont Let Me Down [The Beatles]
- Here I Am [9-30-02]
- I'm Eighteen [Cooper]
- How Things Are Supposed to Be [12-13-01]
- Cast a Stone [4-14-02]
- El-A-Noy [12-13-01]
- I'm Eighteen [2-14-03]
- Silly Sally [12-14-01]
- Riverview [2-14-03]
- Intro 2
- Jesus I, Gods Gonna Set This World on Fire
- Ring the Bells [12-13-01]
- The Girl With the Cruel Face [11-4-02]
- Careless Love [12-14-01]
- Crowd
- Never Give Up [11-16-01]
- (Encore Call)
- Signal This Strong [4-07-02]
- W.P
- WP
- Baby Lets Rock
- When the Saints Go Marching In
- Think You Know (Clip)
- Down Down Down
- O Love You
- How Things Are Meant to Be
- Track 5
- Track 12
- Ah! The Moonlight
- Jesus, I [Lyte]
- Jesus I, Mary Star of the Sea
- To Wonder
- Love Lies in Ruins
- Certain Kind of Change
- . Seatøwn Prøphet
- . Eternal Wallz
- . Blck Cvbe VIP
- . Arial Tøur
- . Sønøvak
- What the World Needs Now
- Talking in Your Sleep
- Jam
- Who We Be
- God's Gonna Set This World on Fir
- Girl With a Cruel Face
- Happy Birthday