Yoshio Tsuru Songtexte
Geboren am 05. Oktober 1959
- To favorite you
- Duo for Young grass and Water
- Euphonic Sounds
- Gladiolus Rag
- The night that considers
- The sky of a sunset
- Solace
- A piano for the night
- Bethena
- Weeping Willow
- Heliotrope Bouquet
- Wall Street Rag
- Spring Breeze(Long Version)
- The Entertainer
- A road to walk alone
- Fig Leaf Rag
- The season that shines
- A carrousel
- The morning glow
- Reality to collapse
- Prologue
- Tree of Life
- Boss
- Karn
- Vs Battle
- Dark Lord destroys beauty
- Supreme Commander of the Black Horde
- The Heroes
- Falling into a frozen Pyramid
- Widow Woods
- Phades Visits Solis
- Phades by way of Zed
- Dark Woods
- Phades threat of Mortipede
- The Count & His Melody
- Mild Danger
- Castle Dungeon
- Undersea Cave
- Mynos
- Stronger then you think
- Castle
- Castle Strom
- Orb of Ora returns to space
- Ending
- Inside Ref
- Lake Shrine
- Unknown
- Ancient Ruins of Hyvoris 2
- Bel
- Ancient Ruins of Hyvoris
- Threat of the Chosen One
- Ending Credits
- Karn's Cave
- Hyvoris Security System
- Daughters of the Immortals
- Opening Cinema
- Victory
- Outside Ref the Pyramid of Ice
- A Warning from Phades
- Trial Valley
- Cave to Castle Strom
- Game Over
- Dark Maze
- Dungeon
- Alt Castle
- Phades' Last Stand
- Main Menu
- Blackjack Game
- Town
- The Villians
- Crystal Beans
- Elis Lady of the Lake Shrine
- Gayan Pyramid