Yann Tiersen Songtexte
Comptine d'un autre été: L'après midi
Porz Goret
I’ve Never Been There
J’y suis jamais allé
Rue des cascades
Geboren am 23. Juni 1970
Rue des cascades
Good Bye Lenin! (Soundtrack)
- Summer 78 (instrumental)
- Coma
- Childhood (1)
- From Prison to Hospital
- Mother
- Watching Lara
- Dishes
- First Rendez-Vous
- The Decant Session
- Lara's Castle
- The Deutsch Mark Is Coming
- I Saw Daddy Today
- Birthday Preparations
- Good Bye Lenin
- Childhood (2)
- Letters
- Mother's Journey
- Preparations for the Last TV Fake
- Mother Will Die
- Father Is Late
- Father and Mother
- Finding the Money
- Summer 78 (von Yann Tiersen feat. Claire Pichet)