Mehr Songtexte

- Closer [feat. Deanna Joven and Nick Morris]
- Light A Fire [feat. Christy Johnson]
- Send Your Glory Down [feat. Sean Loche and Sarah Agbayani]
- Freedom Is Rising [feat. Dalisha Turner]
- Spirit Of God [feat. Nick Morris and Christy Johnson]
- Taking Back [feat. Sean Loche]
- Rebuild (Radio Edit) [feat. Jeremy Johnson]
- Risen From The Grave [feat. Sean Loche]
- Love Riot [feat. Sean Loche and Christy Johnson]
- Never Look Back [feat. Sean Loche]
- Power Of Your Love [feat. Christy Johnson]
- All I Want (Closer Reprise) [feat. Deanna Joven]
- Rebuild [feat. Jeremy Johnson]
- One Love [feat. Christy Johnson]
- The World Can't Take It Away [feat. Christy Johnson]
- Savior [feat. Christy Johnson]
- Higher [feat. Christy Johnson]
- Arise [feat. Rochelle LeGuern]