The Invasion of the Spacepeckers / Satellite (Compilation)
- Do the Rap
- Cartoney Tunes
- La Bamba
- I'm a Rocknrollpecker
- Communication Outer Space
- Woodpeckers From Space
- Give Me That Banana
- Do You Like Surfing?
- Sky Rider
- Satellite
- Let the Music Play
- It's No Easy
- The Zoo Song
- Hollywood
- Shang-A-Lang-Bang-Bang
- Tico-Tac
- We're Glad All Over
- Shut Up
- Quick Quack
- Satellite (reprise)
- Rap & Sing Along
Mehr Songtexte

- Sattelite (maxi version '85)
- Rap and Sing Along
- Cartoney Tunes
- Woodpeckers From Space (original 12")
- Woodpeckers From Space (Club Mix Long)
- Woodpeckers From Space (Patrick de Schrevel club mix long)
- I’m a Rock and Roll Pecker
- Happy Birthday Sky Rider
- Pink Panther’s Motion
- Woodpeckers From Space (Patrick de Schrevel club mix short)
- The Man From Santiago