Tristram Cary Songtexte
Sputnik Code Revisions - Code Without Morse
Geboren am 14. Mai 1925, Gestorben am 24. April 2008
Blood From the Mummy's Tomb (Soundtrack)
- Opening Credits
- Ancient Memories
- The Temple
- Procession
- Death
- Mysterious Neighbour
- Margaret's Ring
- The Crystal Ball
- Secret in the Safe
- Recurring Dreams
- Discovering the Tomb
- Perfectly Preserved
- The Professor's Curse
- Margaret and Tera
- Ancient Power
- Panic
- The Journal
- Murder in the Asylum
- Tera's Power
- Corbeck's Plan
- Desperate Man
- Futile Escape
- Dangerous Liaison
- Possessed
- The Doctor's Fate
- Another Victim
- The Scroll of Life
- Finale and End Credits
- 1M2A Wild Take 2
- 8M2 Wild Take 1
- 9M1 Wild Take 1
- 10M2 Alternative Version Wild Take 1
- 11M1A Wild Take 1
- 11M1B Take 1 Wild
- 11M1C Wild Take 1
- 11M1D Wild Take 1
- 11M2A Wild Take 1
- 11M2B Wild Take 2
- 11M2C Wild Take 1
- 11M2D
- 11M2E Wild Take 1
Doctor Who: Devils' Planets (Soundtrack)
- Doctor Who: Original Theme (von Ron Grainer)
- The Daleks 1: Forest Atmosphere
- The Daleks 1: Skaro: Petrified Forest Atmosphere (von Brian Hodgson)
- The Daleks 1: Forest With Creature
- The Daleks 1: City Music 1 & 2
- The Daleks 1: Thing in Jungle
- The Daleks 1: City Music 3
- The Daleks 1: Dalek City Corridor (von Brian Hodgson)
- The Daleks 1: The Daleks
- The Daleks 2: Radiation Sickness
- The Daleks 2: Dalek Control Room (von Brian Hodgson)
- The Daleks 2: The Storm
- The Daleks 3: The Storm Continued (Susan Meets Alydon)
- The Daleks 3: Inside the City
- The Daleks 4: The Fight
- The Daleks 4: The Ambush
- The Daleks 4: Fluid Link
- The Daleks 5: Rising Tension
- The Daleks 5: Demented Dalek
- The Daleks 5: The Swamp
- The Daleks 6: The Cave I
- The Daleks 6: Barbara Loses the Rope
- The Daleks 6: Captives of the Daleks
- The Daleks 6: Heartbeats (Antodus Falls)
- The Daleks 7: The Cave II
- The Daleks' Master Plan 1: A Strange Sickness
- The Daleks' Master Plan 1: Kembel I
- The Daleks' Master Plan 1: Sting I
- The Daleks' Master Plan 1: Kembel II
- The Daleks' Master Plan 1: Daleks I
- The Daleks' Master Plan 1: Kembel III
- The Daleks' Master Plan 1: Daleks II
- The Daleks' Master Plan 2: Daleks at the TARDIS
- The Daleks' Master Plan 2: Zephon
- The Daleks' Master Plan 2: Sting II
- The Daleks' Master Plan 2: Pyroflames
- The Daleks' Master Plan 2: Wall of Fire
- The Daleks' Master Plan 2: At the City Walls
- The Daleks' Master Plan 2: Taranium
- The Daleks' Master Plan 2: Zephon Raises the Alarm
- The Daleks' Master Plan 3: Leaving Kembel
- The Daleks' Master Plan 3: Acceleration
- The Daleks' Master Plan 3: Zephon's Demise
- The Daleks' Master Plan 3: Desperus
- The Daleks' Master Plan 3: The Screamers
- The Daleks' Master Plan 4: Leaving Desperus
- The Daleks' Master Plan 4: Sting III / Requiem for Katarina
- The Daleks' Master Plan 4: Bret Vyon
- The Daleks' Master Plan 4: Traitor
- The Daleks' Master Plan 5: Counter Plot
- The Daleks' Master Plan 5: The Experiment
- The Daleks' Master Plan 5: Molecular Dissemination
- The Daleks' Master Plan 5: Limbo
- The Daleks' Master Plan 5: Mira
- The Daleks' Master Plan 5: Invisible Creatures
- The Daleks' Master Plan 6: "The Daleks Have Won!"
- The Daleks' Master Plan 6: Invisible Creatures Attack
- The Daleks' Master Plan 6: Taking the Dalek Ship
- The Daleks' Master Plan 6: A New Threat
- The Daleks' Master Plan 6: Fake Taranium
- The Daleks' Master Plan 6: Return to Kembel
- The Daleks' Master Plan 6: Gravity Force
- The Daleks' Master Plan 7: At the Police Station
- The Daleks' Master Plan 7: At the Movie Studio
- The Daleks' Master Plan 8: The Victim I
- The Daleks' Master Plan 8: The Victim II
- The Daleks' Master Plan 8: The Victim III
- The Daleks' Master Plan 8: Lava
- The Daleks' Master Plan 8: The Monk
- The Daleks' Master Plan 9: Ancient Egypt
- The Daleks' Master Plan 9: Dalek Time Machine
- The Daleks' Master Plan 9: The Overseer and the Captain
- The Daleks' Master Plan 9: Daleks at the Pyramids
- The Daleks' Master Plan 9: Daleks vs Egyptians
- The Daleks' Master Plan 9: The Doctor Searching
- The Daleks' Master Plan 9: Escape
- The Daleks' Master Plan 9: The Missing TARDIS
- The Daleks' Master Plan 10: The Tomb
- The Daleks' Master Plan 10: The Mummy
- The Daleks' Master Plan 10: From Egypt to the Ice Planet
- The Daleks' Master Plan 11: Council in Uproar
- The Daleks' Master Plan 11: The Core
- The Daleks' Master Plan 11: Master of the Universe
- The Daleks' Master Plan 12 - The Heart of the Mountain
- The Daleks' Master Plan 12 - Growing Menace
- The Daleks' Master Plan 12 - City Music (Loop)
- The Daleks' Master Plan 12 - The Time Destructor
- The Daleks' Master Plan 12 - The Destruction of Time
- The Daleks' Master Plan 12 - Daleks Disintegrate
- The Mutants: I
- The Mutants: II
- The Mutants: III
- The Mutants: IV
- The Mutants: V
- The Mutants: VI
- The Mutants: VII
- The Mutants: VIII
- The Mutants: IX
- The Mutants: X
- The Mutants: XI
- The Mutants: XII
- The Mutants: XIII
- The Mutants: XIV
- The Mutants: XV
- The Mutants: XVI
- The Mutants: XVII
- The Mutants: XVIII
- The Mutants: XIX
- The Mutants: XX
- The Mutants: XXI
- The Mutants: XXII
- The Mutants: XXIII
- The Mutants: XXIV
- The Mutants: XXV
- The Mutants: XXVI
- The Mutants: XXVII
- The Mutants: XXVIII
- The Mutants: XXIX
- The Mutants: XXX
- The Mutants: XXXI
- The Mutants: XXXII
- The Mutants: XXXIII
- The Mutants: XXXIV
- The Mutants: XXXV
- The Mutants: XXXVI
- The Mutants: XXXVII
- The Mutants: XXXVIII
- The Mutants: XXXIX
- Doctor Who: Closing Theme (von Ron Grainer)
It's Time for Tristram Cary (Works for Film, Television, Exhibition & Sculpture) (Compilation)
- Music for Light (Red / White)
- Music for Light (Short Orange)
- Music for Light (Red / Green / White Dubbing Track)
- Visible Manifestations (E1 A - D)
- Visible Manifestations (F 31)
- Visible Manifestations (E11, E12, E13, E14 A - E)
- A Hill, Some Sheep and a Living (1M 1 take 2)
- A Hill, Some Sheep and a Living (1M 2A)
- A Hill, Some Sheep and a Living (M6 take 3)
- Opus (M1 – Electronic Titles, Montage of Metal Sounds)
- Opus (House Sequence / Cocktail Party Montage)
- Opus (House Sequence Continued)
- Opus (M6 a take 3)
- Opus (Green, Drum Track with Reverb)
- Tests, for Casino Royale (Opening Section)
- Tests, for Casino Royale (Torture SFX, Part 1: Persuasion by Pain)
- Tests, for Casino Royale (Torture SFX, Part 2)
- Tests, for Casino Royale (Further SFX)
- Centre Music
- Escalator Music
- Shaped for Living (1M1, 7 Sounds)
- Shaped for Living (1M5, 8 Sounds)
- Shaped for Living (1M6 Sounds 5 – 9)
- Shaped for Living (1M7, 18 Sounds)
- Shaped for Living (2M8, 5 Sounds)
- Shaped for Living (Mixed Track)
- The Curious History of Money (Effects, Part 11)
- The Curious History of Money (M12)
- Divertimento (Start)
- Divertimento (Performance Tape Section 2)
- 3 4 5 - A Study on Limited Resources
- Narcissus