Brian Hodgson Songtexte
"An Unearthly Child" (Pilot Episode): TARDIS Exterior Hum and Door (original)
Geboren 1938
- Nikki St. George
- "Inferno" (Serial DDD): TARDIS Control On & Warp Transfer
- Kroton Theme With Birth and Death of a Kroton
- "The Wheel in Space" (Serial SS): Servo Robot Music
- "The Web of Fear" (Serial QQ): 4 Stings
- "The War Games" (Serial ZZ): Time Lord Court Atmosphere
- "The War Games" (Serial ZZ): Alien Control Centre
- Death of a Mirebeast
- Chumblie Constant Run
- "The Dominators" (Serial TT): Tension Builder (A)
- Sensorites in Laboratory
- Cybermat Killed by Special Sound
- "The Space Pirates" (Serial YY): TARDIS Land
- Factory With Mechanical and Physiological Autons and Auton Guns
- "The Krotons" (Serial WW): Sting
- "The Edge of Destruction" (Serial C): Explosion, TARDIS Stops
- "The Dominators" (Serial TT): Tension Builder (B)
- Sidrat Control
- TARDIS Take-Off
- "An Unearthly Child" (Serial A): TARDIS Takeoff
- "The Tenth Planet" (Serial DD): Machinery in TARDIS Goes Wild (Regeneration)
- Mechanoid
- "Galaxy Four" (Serial T): Chumbley Dome (Rises/Falls/Rises/Falls)
- "The Wheel in Space" (Serial SS): Wheel Stab
- Slyther on the Move
- "The Keys of Marinus" (Serial E): Sleeping Machine
- Yeti Growls Roars and Dies
- "The Wheel in Space" (Serial SS): Birth of Cybermats
- Cobweb Mutates
- "The Dominators" (Serial TT): Tension Builder (D)
- "The Wheel in Space" (Serial SS): Rocket Stab
- "The War Games" (Serial ZZ): Time Zone Atmosphere
- "The Macra Terror" (Serial JJ): Propaganda Sleep Machine
- Chumblie at Rest
- Quark Goes Beserk and Explodes
- "The Wheel in Space" (Serial SS): Alien Ship Music
- "The Wheel in Space" (Serial SS): Lead-In to Cyber Planner
- "The Wheel in Space" (Serial SS): Interior Rocket (Suspense Music)
- "Galaxy Four" (Serial T): Chumbley Sends Message
- "The Wheel in Space" (Serial SS): Cybermats Attracted to Wheel
- "The Mind of Evil" (Serial FFF): Keller Machine Appears/Vanishes
- "The War Games" (Serial ZZ): War Lord Arrival
- "The Dominators" (Serial TT): Low Sting
- "The Dalek's Masterplan" (Serial V): Activity on Dalek Ship Control Panel
- Birth of Cybermats
- "The Macra Terror" (Serial JJ): Heartbeat Chase
- "The Daleks" (Serial B): Skaro: Petrified Forest Atmosphere ("Thal Wind")
- A Few Fish People
- "The Macra Terror" (Serial JJ): Contoller Chimes
- "The Daleks" (Serial B): TARDIS Computer
- "The Dominators" (Serial TT): TARDIS (New Landing)
- MacRa Control and MacRa
- "The Mind Robber" (Serial UU): White Void
- "The Invasion" (Serial VV): Cyberman Brought to Life
- Propaganda Sleep Machine
- "The Mind Robber" (Serial UU): Zoe's Theme
- "The Wheel in Space" (Serial SS): Rocket in Space
- "The War Games" (Serial ZZ): Dimensional Control (SIDRAT Dimensions Contract)
- Time Zone
- "The Invasion" (Serial VV): Cyber Invasion
- Quarks Chuckle
- Quark Kills
- "An Unearthly Child" (Pilot Episode): TARDIS Exterior Hum and Door (original)
- "The Chase" (Serial R): TARDIS Lands
- "The Wheel in Space" (Serial SS): Floating Through Space
- "An Unearthly Child" (Pilot Episode): Entry Into the TARDIS
- "The Chase" (Serial R): Dalek Spaceship Lands
- "The Krotons" (Serial WW): Entry Into the Machine
- Start of the Cyber Invasion
- Cybermats Attracted to Ship
- "The Wheel in Space" (Serial SS): Cybermen Stab & Music
- "The Sensorites" (Serial G): Sensorite Speech Background
- TARDIS Exterior
- "The Claws of Axos" (Serial GGG): TARDIS Lands
- "The Krotons" (Serial WW): Kroton Theme
- "The Wheel in Space" (Serial SS): Cyber Planner Background
- "The Krotons" (Serial WW): Machine and City Theme
- "The Wheel in Space" (Serial SS): Jarvis in a Dream State
- "The Mind of Evil" (Serial FFF): The Master's Theme
- "The Daleks" (Serial B): Dalek City Corridor
- "The Daleks" (Serial B): Dalek Control Room
- "The Mind of Evil" (Serial FFF): Keller Machine Theme
- "The Wheel in Space" (Serial SS): Cosmos Atmosphere
- "The Dominators" (Serial TT): Galaxy Atmosphere
- "The Daleks" (Serial B): Capsule Oscillation (Dalek Destructor Fuse/Bomb Countdown)
- "Galaxy Four" (Serial T): Chumbley (Constant Run)
- "The Krotons" (Serial WW): The Learning Hall
- "The War Games" (Serial ZZ): Silver Box (The Doctor Calls for Help)
- "The Claws of Axos" (Serial GGG): Brain Centre Atmosphere
- "An Unearthly Child" (Pilot Episode): TARDIS: Original Takeoff Sequence
- Destruction of the Daleks
- Chumblie Dies
- Dalek Space Ship Takes Off
- TARDIS Lands
- "The Mind of Evil" (Serial FFF): Dover Castle
- "The Claws of Axos" (Serial GGG): The Axons Approach
- "Galaxy Four" (Serial T): Chumbley Dies
- Dalek Space Ship Lands
- "The Savages" (Serial AA): Energy Escapes
- "The Mind Robber" (Serial UU): TARDIS: Extra Power Unit Plugged In
- "Galaxy Four" (Serial T): Chumbley at Rest
- "The Wheel in Space" (Serial SS): 2 Stabs
- Four Yetis Signalling
- Original Sonic Screwdriver
- The Daleks 1: Skaro: Petrified Forest Atmosphere
- The Daleks 1: Dalek City Corridor
- The Daleks 2: Dalek Control Room
- “Inferno” (Serial DDD): TARDIS Control On & Warp Transfer
- “The Mind of Evil” (Serial FFF): Keller Machine Theme
- “The Mind of Evil” (Serial FFF): Dover Castle
- “The Mind of Evil” (Serial FFF): The Master’s Theme
- “The Claws of Axos” (Serial GGG): TARDIS Lands
- “The Mind of Evil” (Serial FFF): Keller Machine Appears/Vanishes
- “The Claws of Axos” (Serial GGG): Brain Centre Atmosphere
- “The Claws of Axos” (Serial GGG): The Axons Approach