light the kHAOS within
tri-wired world, part 1
- tHE unspoken word
- deep insidE
- twentyone grams
- the black hoLE
- rE-spawned (1st state 2001)
- causes oF DEaTH (1st state 2001)
- maTRIcide (1st state 2002)
- avataR (1st state 2003)
- stonehEnGE (1st state 2009)
- woRM oF insanITY (pained 2001)
- distorted reality (short 2001)
- dogma (ResQ RX)
- sYNOPSIS (hiDDen cREAtures RX by obJEcT 2002)
- tERROR infernaliS (dISHARMONY RX 2014)
- woRM oF insanITY (Framework RX 2014)
- tHE lasT grain oF sand
tri-wired world, part 2
- 21 grams (Amorphous RX)
- geneLAW (Sunny Schramm RX)
- sHAdes of dead-whiTE (Seven Trees RX)
- belle ÉpoQUE (Pyrroline RX)
- maTRIcide (Second Disease RX)
- ranDOM FAILures PreferRED (Individual Totem RX)
- blood patch (killing time RX by tri-state)
- rE-spawned (Jihad RX)
- causes oF DEaTH (R010R1zed-1)
- apocaLyPsE oF fAItH (Trilogy RX)
- deep insidE (Serpents RX)
- the kHAOS within (long time ago RMX by Majestic)
- the gHOST WAR (kFactor RX)
- payBAKK (eYE for an EYE RX by tri-state)