tri-wired world, part 3
- stonehEnGE (Mirage Noire DX by Cardinal Noire)
- sYNOPSIS (Pyrroline RX)
- sHADES of dead-whiTE (One Eye Wanders RX)
- deep insidE (Dark Akalotz RX)
- tHE mYTH of the GREY manKIND (Different Colours RX by tEaR!doWn)
- causes oF DEaTH (R010R1zed-2)
- Prototype (rapid prototyping Mk.II by tri-state)
- payBAKK (Mind Resonance RX by The Opposer Divine)
- rE-spawned (Amnistia Modification)
- the black hoLE (KIFOTH RX)
- the kHAOS within (sleepwalk RX)
- the gHOST WAR (Terminal State RX)
- sHAdes of dead-whiTE (Into Nowhere RX)