And They Say I've Got Talent
- And They Say I've Got Talent
- Howie's Norvegian Bluess
- Happy Conception Day
- Trans Poly U Fight Song
- The Illuminati Polka
- Dark Country
- The Ballad of Rupert
- Bullet Time
- The Great Moonwolf Trap
- A Dragon's Lullaby
- Rock Me Amidala
- Talk Like a Pirate Day
- Rich Fantasy Lives
- Denouement
- Intro: This Ain't Over Yet
- This Ain't Over Yet
Arrivederci 2020
- I Can't Breathe
- Fatter Than Trump
- ... And Counting
- Billion Dollar Trumpy
- Invasion Lullaby
- Hogwarts El Paso
- Tanuki Dating Blues
- (Will You) Just Shut Up
- Pumpkin King
- You're Leaving Forever, Huzzah
- Where on the Ship Is Carmen Miranda?
- Scrambled Eggs
- Christmas Time in Middle-Earth
- Please Get Well, Mister President
- No April Fools
- Obscenity (The Ballad of Firesky)
- Penguin Pasta Polka
- Well, That Went Viral Quickly
- Together We're Strong
- Arrivederci 2020
Badgers and Gophers and Squirrels, Oh My: The 24-Hour Project
- Aluminum Dog
- Tamales of Death
- Hung Out? Too Dry
- Spam in the Street
- Chevre No Vas
- Pine Gia-Varnish
- Badger Pajama
- Pickled Gopher
- Is a Little VPTR Okay?
- Kiowa Timepiece Talking Blues
- Pizza-Lovin' Squirrels
- The Feud, the Proud
- Theme From "Space Squid"
- Aggressively Cute
- Wokked Like Any Gypped Chen
- Strontium Asp
- A Different Kind of Survivor (I Want My Music on Napster)
- Hee-Haw Field Earth
- The Twelve Days of Star Wars
Debasement Tapes
- Five Years
- Denver Does Elvis
- Callisto
- Alien Adventures
- Honey Glazed Ham
- (Min) Barrette
- Be Our GOH
- Seven Drunken Nights in Space
- Convalescence
- Sonuva
- Filk in the Blanks
- Instant Clinton (Just Add Whitewater): An Improvised Secret Service Lament
- Barenaked Cockburn
- On the PC
- PC99
- Dammit, They're Felt and Legumes
- DS8
- Time Plot
- Telly Taley Heart
- 500 Hats
- Smurfin' Safari