Terence McKenna Songtexte
Catholic Rationalists
Geboren am 16. November 1946, Gestorben am 03. April 2000

- Time Will Perfect Matter
- The Coming of the Strophariad
- Digital Oracle
- Edgy Shit
- Private Idaho
- The Opus Clarified
- Shamanic Technology
- The Download of History
- D'naz
- Return
- Fifty Kilos of Yoga
- Catholic Rationalists
- Turbo-Charged Buddhism
- Closed Topologies
- Psychedelic Ethics
- Shamanic VR
- Prozac
- Native Intelligence
- In the Vortex
- The Garland of Letters
- A Brush with the Other
- Ecstasy
- The Oversoul as Saucer
- Folk Technology
- Camped by a Doorway
- Electric Alchemy
- To Serve Man
- The Experiment at La Chorrera
- The Wheel
- Defeated Utopias
- The Ninth Generation
- Demon Riddle
- Fractal Negotiation
- Late Antiquity
- Not William Burroughs
- The Atom Bomb
- Call of the Secret
- Say What Does it Mean
- The Shadow of the End
- Kathmandu Interlude
- Deep Blue
- Cracking the Psychedelic Code
- Lilly
- The Other
- Postmodern Spirituality
- On the Natch
- Into the Devil's Paradise
- Intro
- At Play in the Fields of the Lord
- Descartes' Angel
- Outro
- Gumbies from Space
- Dress Rehearsal
- Logos Puree
- Magical Material
- More On Opus
- The White Cane
- Losing Categories
- Ketamine
- Along a Ghostly Trail
- Right on Schedule
- Death vs. Dying
- White Gloves on a Mouse
- Civilization Is a Carnival
- Saucer Full of Secrets
- From Plato to Playdough
- The Miracle
- Neoplatonic Math
- Kinetic Unfolding
- Everything Wants to Communicate
- A Conversation Over Saucers
- Mining the Veins of Entelechy
- The Hawaiian Connection
- A Violet Psychofluid
- The Revenge of Synthetic Matter
- Open Ending
- 'Quasi at the Quackadero'
- Looking Backward
- Part 8
- Part 9
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Part 3
- Part 4
- Part 5
- Part 6
- Part 7
- Part 10
- Part 11
- Part 12
- Part 13
- Part 14
- Part 15
- Time and the I Ching
- Exploring The Hermetic Tradition - Part Fwabooie
- Exploring The Hermetic Tradition - Part Three
- Exploring The Hermetic Tradition - Part One
- Exploring The lololoilololololololololol --- aaaah Terrence, my man...
- Exploring The Hermetic Tradition - Part Two
- Exploring The Hermetic Tradition
- Exploring The Hermetic Goblins In My Chest