Mehr Songtexte

- Just Eyes and Mouth
- Panavision
- Skating on the Surface
- Opposites
- encore
- We Don't Know What Tomorrow Brings
- Intro
- It's Different For Girls
- Pana-Vision
- The Smoke (Dennis Bovell RMX)
- Open the Flood Gates
- Free in the Knowledge / A Hairdryer
- Feelingpulledapartbyhorses
- It's Different For Girls (Live) [01_30_22 Magazine, London, England]
- You Will Never Work In Television Again (Live) [01_30_22 Magazine, London, England]
- Pana-Vision (Live) [01_30_22 Magazine, London, England]
- Intro (Live) [01_30_22 Magazine, London, England]
- A Hairdryer (Live) [01_30_22 Magazine, London, England]
- Speech Bubbles (Live) [01_30_22 Magazine, London, England]
- The Smoke (Live) [01_30_22 Magazine, London, England]
- Waving A White Flag (Live) [01_30_22 Magazine, London, England]
- Thin Thing (Live) [01_30_22 Magazine, London, England]
- A Hairdryer (Intro) (Live) [01_30_22 Magazine, London, England]
- Open The Floodgates (Live) [01_30_22 Magazine, London, England]
- The Opposite (Live) [01_30_22 Magazine, London, England]
- Free In The Knowledge (Live) [01_30_22 Magazine, London, England]
- Just Eyes And Mouth (Encore) (Live) [01_30_22 Magazine, London, England]
- Skrting On The Surface (Live) [01_30_22 Magazine, London, England]
- The Same (Live) [01_30_22 Magazine, London, England]
- We Don't Know What Tomorrow Brings (Live) [01_30_22 Magazine, London, England]
- Bending Heretic
- Instant Pslam
- Intermission
- 6 Music Festival 2024: O2 Victoria Warehouse
- Skirting on the Surface
- Don't Get Me Started
- Feeling Pulled Apart by Horses
- People on Balconies
- We Don't Know What Tomorrow Bringings
- We Don't Know What Tomorrow Brings (False Start)
- [Encore]
- A Hairdryer (intro)
- Audience
- It's Different for Girls [Joe Jackson Cover]
- Just Eyes and Mouth (Encore)
- [intro]
- -Encore Break-
- Feeling Pulled Apart by Horses [Thom Yorke]
- The Same (80s cut)
- UGcgWGFkcWE=
- (Encore Call)
- Feeling Pulled Away by Horses
- Skrting on a Surface
- You Know Me
- Instant Palm
- Pana- Vision