Mehr Songtexte

- Homegrown
- Cryin' Eyes
- Behind the Sun
- Deeper Mystery
- Bye Bye Johnny
- Take Me Down to the Sun
- I'm Tore Down
- Poor Man
- Do Me Right
- Only Loving You
- Comes a Time
- [crowd]
- I'm Ready
- Your Time Will Come Around
- Love You Forever
- [intro]
- Don't Let Em Get to You
- Long May You Run [cuts in & Out]
- [tuning]
- [Talk Before Set Break]
- Hold on Boys [cuts in]
- A Deeper Mystery [cuts in]
- Wide Eyed & Willing [cuts in]
- Long May You Run
- Truckin' Man
- Tore Down
- Two Riders [cuts in]
- [Talk]
- [thanks, applause]
- Windward Passage [cuts]
- [introduction, tuning]
- Do Me Right [cuts]
- Wild Eyed and Willing
- [Neil talks]
- Are You Ready for the Country ?
- Rap
- Wide Eyed and Willin'