Mehr Songtexte

- No More Talking
- NY Reel
- Long Story
- Buried Country
- Second Language
- Settlers Complaint
- Outdoors
- National Health
- Come to My Senses
- Frozen Park
- My Line
- The Usual
- Quality of a Holiday
- Hole in My Life
- Twice Remembered
- Robbe Grillet
- Guarantee
- Don't Lie About Travel
- Throwing My Voice
- Watch My Hands
- Running Downhill
- Standing by the Window
- The Difficult Dream of Roger Forrest
- The Noise Upstairs
- Arthur Lee at Houston Airport
- Centrepoint (#1)
- Gold Watch/Warning #1
- On the Beach With Mr Rollo
- Between the Trains
- Better Than Mermaids
- Pulling in the Reins
- Domino Theory
- Centrepoint (#2)
- Further West
- Downtown
- Holden Interview #29
- Open That City
- Noise Upstairs