Audio Tactics Backcatalog Remastered
The Unreleased Album
- In Two Minds (von Survival feat. Christina Nicola)
- Stay
- Stars
- Complex
- Frame
- Runner
- Judgement
- Boog
- Detector
- All the Same (von Survival feat. Christina Nicola)
- I Believe (von Survival feat. Christina Nicola)
- Prophet
- Night Out
- Immortal (VIP) (von Survival & Silent Witness)
- Oxygen (von Survival & Silent Witness)
Mehr Songtexte

- Out the Door
- Five Miles
- Heeding the Signs
- Caught on Me
- Feelings Gone
- Alpine
- Still Don't Know
- Shadow
- Flashlight
- Colours
- Hit You When You're Down
- Dawning
- Portal
- The Beginning
- Don't Even Think About Escape
- Masquerade
- 1502
- Fallen
- Trespass
- Only
- Roots
- Blunted
- War
- Blue Sky
- Alien
- Odyssey
- Timber
- Hanout
- Cold Food
- P45
- Sex, Fame, Money, Power
- Dub Soldier
- Last Call
- Back Again
- Ion 2
- The Jam
- Moving 2 Fast
- Friendly Fire
- The Sun
- Butthurt
- Mira
- Stalking
- Everyday
- Ready
- 4 Mins
- Up in the Dance
- Jelly
- Exile
- First
- Catalyst