Hang On, Henry!
- Bienvenidos, Bienvenue (Everybody’s Welcome Here)
- Hang On, Henry!
- Don’t Wake Up the Baby
- Digga Digga DInosaur
- The Horrible, Hungry (Ex-)Beast
- Rainy Day, Rainy Day
- Macaroni & Cheese
- The Sacrifice Fly (or How I “Beet” Mrs. Hoffman’s Clean Plate Rule)
- Goin’ to the Playground
- (You’ve Been Watching) Too Much TV!
- Do the Octopus
- Who Will Win, the Tiger or the Lion?
- Grandpa’s Tractor
- I’ve Got Peace Like a River
Outta School
- You Are My Sunshine
- Monkey, Monkey!
- Back To School
- Pumpkins, Beware
- Johnny Wants a Guitar for Christmas
- Snow Day
- This Little Light of Mine (Traditional)
- Fanga Alafea/Liza Jane
- I Love U...Kelele
- McNAmara's Band
- Reading Road Trip, USA!
- Iga Flyga Flega Glyga (Traditional)
- Too Many People in a Little House
- How I Beat Mrs. Hoffman's Clean Plate Rule Blues
- Summer Vacation
- You Are My Sunshine (Reprise)
- Be Strong, Stay True