
- Explosion (smaller)
- Sarangi plucks & strums
- Thunderstorm hits
- Alien tractor beam
- CO2 fire extinguisher
- African log drums & cymbals
- Bass drum hits
- "But seriously folks..."
- Hammer on anvil
- Indian tabla
- Demolition derby (almost 3 minutes of crashes)
- Symphony hits #2
- Kalimba
- Handle bell hits (quiet)
- 3 books fall to the floor
- Ocean hitting the shore
- Clock on the mantle
- Big clock bell gala
- Death knell
- Typewriter & bell
- Karate man breaking 1000 pounds of ice with his bare hand (2xs)
- Rap hits
- Whip crack #3
- Earthquake hits
- Whip crack #2
- Snare drum hits, single
- Whip crack #1
- Melody wood block hits
- Door slam
- Electric guitar hits (plucked)
- Electronic drums (kick, snare, hat, cymbal, cowbell)
- Baseball hit
- Cannon shots & downrange hits
- 3 short cymbal hits
- Railroad crossing
- Violin hits (pizzicato)
- Explosion (huge)
- End
- Bongo & agogo hits
- Big symphony hit & swell
- Cobra hisses
- Karate man breaking bottle with his foot (2xs)
- Two distant nuclear explosions
- Cobra hits
- Talking African drum hits with shaker
- Waves hit against speedboat
- Symphony unison hits
- Orchestra finale hit
- Two fighters' hits & blocks
- Rock drum-big tom toms
- Woddy marimbas
- Bowling strike & return
- Crazy percussion hits
- Rack billiard balls
- Carribe steel drums
- Sarod strums & plucks
- Harp hits
- Chinese koto
- Snare drum roll
- Teleporter beam hit & vaporization
- 2 longer cymbal hits
- backwards cymbals
- Bowling miss & return
- Shot #1
- Shot #2
- 75 Rocket Salvo
- Baby's Laughter
- Explosion
- Steam Locomotive
- Crap Tables
- Anti-Aircraft Fire
- Tires Screeching
- Clock Ticking
- Slot Machine, Coins Drop
- Slot Machines w/Payofffs
- Swarm of Bees
- Carnival Game With Crowd
- Motor Scooter
- Drum Patterns - Parade 2
- Fire Engine Pass
- Continuous Thunder
- Drum Patterns - Parade
- Woman Giggling
- Young Man Laughing
- Two Children Laughing
- Drum Patterns - March
- Angry Mob (Small)
- Heavy Breathing & Heartbeat
- Carnival Midway
- Foghorn
- Horse Race - Start Gate With Crowd
- Falcon Missiles Destroy Drone Target
- Chopping Tree, Tree Falls
- Door Opening And Closing
- Cats Meowing
- Mosquito
- Shooting Game - Midway
- Rapid Door Knocks
- Gatling Gun (Spanish American War Type)
- 707 Jet Take Off
- Pinball Machine
- Roulette With Crowd Background
- Firecrackers
- Ship Alarm, Under Attack
- Bus in Traffic
- Woman's Laughter
- Car Door Closes
- Spanish Men On Horseback Chasing Indians
- Horse Whinnies & Snorts
- Electric Drill
- Switching Noise
- Car Chase
- Baby Crying
- Plane Crash (Stereofect)
- Car Crash (Stereofect)
- Starfighter Destroys Target Rocket with Its Sidewinder Missiles, B-52 Launches Hound Dog Missle (two effects in last track)
- Rifle Shots
- Wasp
- Creepy Thing
- Car Horn
- 20mm (M39) Automatic Cannon
- Baby Laughing
- Frogs
- 2 Men Laughing
- 707 Jet Land
- Crowd of Kids
- Old Fashioned Toilet Flush
- Jet Fly By
- Ghosts in Space (Stereofect)
- Shower Sequence
- Public Address From A C-47 Transport Airplane
- Cannon Shots
- Sword Fight on Horseback
- Drum Patterns - March 2
- Woman Laughing Hysterically
- Wild Dogs And Wolves
- Fire Alarm
- Electronic Flourish Magic
- Crazy Doings
- Medieval Battle (Stereofect)
- Electric Saw
- Female Laughing
- Brushing Teeth Sequence
- Hand Saw Sawing Wood
- Champagne Cork Pops
- Barnyard Animals
- Fireworks - With Crowd
- 20mm Vulcan Cannon
- 50 Calibre Machine Gun (Circa WWII)
- Small Children's Laughter
- Artillery Bursts
- Dinner Triangle
- Door Slamming
- 30 Calibre Machine Gun (Circa WWII)
- 2 Women Laughing
- Motorcycle Start & Leave
- Crowd in a Panic
- Civil War Battle
- Horse Whinnies
- Electronic Laughter
- Cuckoo Clock
- Frogs in a Pond
- Submarine Dive Horn
- Manslaughter
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Knockout Hit
- Rises: The Unforgiven
- Drones & Atmospheres: Solar Winds
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Initial Impact
- Rises: Significant Threat
- Rises: Unearthly Overture
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Ten Ton Slam
- Electronic Atmospheres: Spiritual Depth
- Rises: The Longest Rise
- Rises: Under the Oath
- Rises: Mind Snap
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Quick Stab 2
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Tin Hit
- Swooshes: Killer Marker
- Rises: Short and Sweet
- Rises: The Walking Dead
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Fizzy Stab
- Drones & Atmospheres: Ocean Troubles
- Swooshes & Glitches: Creep
- Swooshes & Glitches: Digi Slither
- Stabs: Swoop
- Drones & Atmospheres: Friendly Fire
- Orchestral Atmospheres: Sinister Morning
- Drones & Atmospheres: Morning Breath
- Rises: Death Valley
- Orchestral Atmospheres: Unbound by Hate
- Rises: New Model Rise
- Swooshes & Glitches: Ghost Breath 2
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Crunch Slam
- Swooshes & Glitches: Crass Rip With Hit
- Stabs: Designer Cut
- Rises: Fire It Up
- Slams: Fister
- Rises: Nip and Tuck
- Core Drones: The Devil Inside
- Swooshes: Reject Swoosh
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Klanger
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Hang Slam
- Rises: Breakneck
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Crasher
- Electronic Atmospheres: Obsession
- Slams: Paradise Lost Slam
- Rises: Frozen Fear
- Swooshes: Yetti
- Swooshes: Slipper
- Rises: Cold Corpses
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Skull Burst Slam
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Multiflex Hit
- Core Drones: Under the Earth
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Metal Door Slam
- Electronic Atmospheres: Last Empire
- Orchestral Atmospheres: Static Fever
- Orchestral Atmospheres: Evil Strings
- Drones & Atmospheres: Cabin Fever
- Stabs: Orchestral Shot
- Rises: Flashpoint
- Drones & Atmospheres: Move Away
- Orchestral Atmospheres: Old Ghosts
- Knives & Scrapes: Knife 2
- Knives & Scrapes: Knife 4
- Knives & Scrapes: Knife 6
- Swooshes & Glitches: Open Stream
- Drones & Atmospheres: Decay Drone
- Drones & Atmospheres: Wrong Turning
- Rises: Knifer
- Drones & Atmospheres: Blind Tunnel
- Planar starts up to speed,spiral,planning wood,fade
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Subber
- Slams: Low Orchestral Slam
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Doom Box
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Kong Foot
- Rises: Sunshine Killer
- Swooshes: Firecracker
- Drones & Atmospheres: The Escape
- Rises: Throbbing Hell
- Drones & Atmospheres: Bomb Squad
- Core Drones: Deep Water
- Rises: Shut It Down
- Rises: Which Way
- Drones & Atmospheres: Malfunction
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Hulk Slam
- Swooshes & Glitches: Twisted Space
- Slams: Redundant Attack
- Rises: Demonic Build
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Dragon Punch 1
- Electronic Atmospheres: Phoenix Rising
- Rises: Have You Finished Yet
- Core Drones: Loud Pressure
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Flash Slam
- Core Drones: Deep Space Bass
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Distorter
- Rises: Territorial Uprising
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Growler
- Swooshes & Glitches: Ghostly
- Orchestral Atmospheres: Through These Eyes
- Slowing from slow speed
- Rises: Evil Crawling Rise
- Swooshes & Glitches: Filter Funk
- Core Drones: Shivers of War
- Core Drones: Broken Lift
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Son of Slam
- Electronic Atmospheres: The Babysitter
- Rises: Facelift
- Rises: Rising Theory
- Swooshes: Dark Swoosh
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Incoming Slam
- Electronic Atmospheres: Maniac Murder
- Swooshes & Glitches: Space Case
- Rises: Nuclear Fallout
- Stabs: Lastwind
- Rises: Slow Builder
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Visor Slam
- Core Drones: Dawn of a Dead Day
- Rises: Repetitive Rise
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Low Hit
- Rises: The Last Rites
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Fist Meet Glass
- Electronic Atmospheres: Flatline
- Rises: Slash Machine
- Rises: Screamer
- Rises: Chemical Uplift
- Orchestral Atmospheres: Echo Drone
- Rises: Underneath the Dogme
- Rises: Horrific Incline
- Rises: Tweaker
- Slams: Heart Attack
- Swooshes & Glitches: Crass Rip
- Drones & Atmospheres: Apocalyptic Writings
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Quick Stab 1
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Quick Stab 3
- Drones & Atmospheres: Inner Demons
- Rises: Your Last Chance
- Slams: Boombox
- Electronic Atmospheres: Hypnotik Dogme
- Rises: Scratchy Build
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Ironfist Slam
- Stabs: Phantom
- Rises: Icebreaker
- Drones & Atmospheres: Absolute Drone
- Planning wood
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Psyco Hit
- Drones & Atmospheres: Terra Drone
- Rises: Looking Into the Abyss
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Shine Hit
- Rises: Final Breath
- Rises: Hick's Nightmare
- Rises: Hollow Incline
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Breaking Up Stab
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Slam
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Turnaround Stab 1
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: 40ft Slam
- Core Drones: The Cage Is Open
- Rises: Child's Play
- Rises: Watch Out
- Slams: Growler
- Swooshes & Glitches: Ghost Breath 1
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Sub Drop
- Rises: Wind Smash
- Drones & Atmospheres: Internal Damage
- Drones & Atmospheres: Dig Your Own Grave
- Stabs: Blood Stab
- Rises: Lonely Rise
- Orchestral Atmospheres: Living Nightmare
- Rises: Slice and Dice
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Metallic Hit
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Temple Hit
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Earthshaker Slam
- Drones & Atmospheres: White Walls
- Slams: In the Beginning
- Rises: I Can Hear You
- Rises: Quick Uplift
- Slams: Super Decay
- Drones & Atmospheres: Piano Hell
- Rises: Heat Up
- Rises: Evil Choir
- Orchestral Atmospheres: Terrible Face
- Rises: To the Grave
- Slams: Skullcrusher
- Rises: Inertia Rising
- Electronic Atmospheres: Under the Sun
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Giant Impact
- Rises: The Knife
- Core Drones: Mystical Sub
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Gut Punch
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Sub Rush
- Drones & Atmospheres: Calm Before
- Slams: King Gong Slam
- Slams: Slapper
- Swooshes & Glitches: Mind Grind
- Rises: Biter
- Knives & Scrapes: Knife 1
- Knives & Scrapes: Knife 3
- Knives & Scrapes: Knife 5
- Knives & Scrapes: Knife 7
- Orchestral Atmospheres: From the Deep
- Orchestral Atmospheres: Sinking Below
- Knives & Scrapes: Scrape 1
- Knives & Scrapes: Scrape 5
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Katapult Slam
- Knives & Scrapes: Scrape 4
- Drones & Atmospheres: Ominous Night
- Knives & Scrapes: Scrape 3
- Knives & Scrapes: Scrape 2
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Stomp Slam
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Flock of Dark 1
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Cloud Snap
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Flock of Dark 2
- Rises: All Wrong
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Dragon Roar
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Flock of Dark 3
- Drones & Atmospheres: Slow Pulse Drone
- Core Drones: Edge of the Pit
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Sizzle Slam
- Rises: Ten Years Later
- Rises: Cutting Teeth
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Kickor
- Slams: Gun Shot
- Drones & Atmospheres: Med Pulse Drone
- Rises: Climber
- Slams: Hit Point
- Electronic Atmospheres: Dead Horses
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Snatch Bite Slam
- Rises: Hellhound
- Rises: Death Power
- Core Drones: Core Attack
- Rises: Vertical Attack
- Drones & Atmospheres: Sell Your Soul
- Rises: We're Gonna Get You
- Drones & Atmospheres: Agoraphobia
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Shatter Slam
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Dragon Punch 2
- Rises: Pitched Fork
- Electronic Atmospheres: Century Clone
- Stabs: Genius Stab
- Rises: Terror Blind
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Bombastic Stab
- Rises: Snakes and Ladders
- Swooshes & Glitches: Alchemy
- Core Drones: Hollow to the Core
- Drones & Atmospheres: Tone Drone 1
- Drones & Atmospheres: Tone Drone 2
- Stabs: Hold Up
- Rises: Out of Reach
- Orchestral Atmospheres: Psychosis
- Slams: Gunshot Smash
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Sink Alarm
- Rises: Controller Rise
- Swooshes & Glitches: Mind Scan
- Rises: Choral Uplift
- Rises: Steep Incline
- Rises: Ghost Alarm
- Slams/Hits/Stabs: Junk Kit Hit