
- The Songs of Solomon: Ein Kehloheinu
- The Songs of Solomon: Lamnatseach 'al hasheminit mizmor l'David
- The Songs of Solomon: Yesusum midbar
- The Songs of Solomon: Al Naharot navel
- The Songs of Solomon: Shir hamma'alot l'David, Lulei Adonai
- The Songs of Solomon: Lamnatseach 'al hagitit mizmor l'David
- The Songs of Solomon: Haleluyah, ode ladonai
- The Songs of Solomon: Haleluyah haleli nafshi et Adonai
- The Songs of Solomon: Baruch haba b'shem Adonai
- The Songs of Solomon: Kaddish
- The Songs of Solomon: Mizmor l'Asaf
- The Songs of Solomon: Shir hamma'alot, ashrei kol yare Adonai
- The Songs of Solomon: Eftach shir bisfatai
- The Songs of Solomon: Lamnatseach binginot mizmor shir
- The Songs of Solomon: Lemi echpots
- The Songs of Solomon: Mizmor l'David
- The Songs of Solomon: Haleluyah, ahsrei ish yare et Adonai
- The Songs of Solomon: Barchu
- The Songs of Solomon: Yigdal
- The Songs of Solomon: Eftach na sefatai
- The Songs of Solomon: Mizmor shir l'yom hashabat
- The Songs of Solomon: Mizmor l'toda
- The Songs of Solomon: Elohim Hashiveinu
- The Songs of Solomon: Ele mo'adei Adonai
- The Songs of Solomon: Shir lamma'alot, essa einai
- The Songs of Solomon: Shir hamma'alot, B'shuv Adonai
- The Songs of Solomon: Hashkiveinu
- The Songs of Solomon: Odecha ki anitani
- The Songs of Solomon: Adon Olam
- The Songs of Solomon: Keter (Kedushah)
- Lemi ehpots la'asot yeqar
- 'Al naharot bavel (ps.37)
- Qadish
- Barechu
- Sonata No. 4 sopra l'Aria di Ruggiero
- Shir hamma'alót (Psalm 128)
- Hashkivénu
- Sonata sopra L'aria di Ruggiero
- Sonate sopra l'aria di Ruggiero, op. 12
- Shir hama'a lot. Ashrei ki yere (Psalm 128)
- Gagliarda "Norsina" a 5
- Sinfonia a 3
- Sinfonia grave a 5
- Gagliarda "Zambalina" a 4
- Sinfonia in eco a 3
- Sonata in Dialogo Detta La Viena
- Odecha ki'Anitani
- Gagliarda detta Narciso
- Sinfonia
- Il quarto libro de varie sonate, sinfonie, gagliarde, brandi e corrente, Sinfonia No. 11
- Sinfonia Nona : Varie sonate, sinfonie, gagliarde...Libro 3
- Sinfonia Nona : Sinfonie et gagliarde Libro 1
- Sinfonia Ottava : Varie sonate, sinfonie, gagliarde...Libro 3
- Sinfonia No. 9 In Eco, For 3 Voices
- Sonata detta la Casalasca
- Sonata Primia