
Geboren am 03. Januar 1922, Gestorben am 27. Mai 2004


  1. Chaconne from Partita in D minor for violin, BWV 1004
  2. Symphony no. 7 in A major, op. 92: III. Scherzo. Presto
  3. Symphony no. 7 in A major, op. 92: II. Allegretto
  4. Symphony no. 7 in A major, op. 92: I. Poco sostenuto – Vivace
  5. Symphony no. 7 in A major, op. 92: IV. Allegro con brio
  6. Petit Conte
  7. Toccatina, Op. 75
  8. Trente Chants, Op. 65, Book 3, No. 6: Barcarolle
  9. Les Mois, Op. 74, Book 4, No. 1: Gros Temps
  10. Étude de bravoure (Scherzo), Op.16, No.1: Mouvement De Valse
  11. Esquisses, Op. 63: Le Premier Billet Doux, Book 4, No. 20
  12. Sonatine for Piano, Op.61: IV: Tempo Giusto
  13. Trente Chants, Op. 70, Book 5, No. 6: Barcarolle
  14. Preludes, Op. 31: Assez Lentement, No. 16
  15. Preludes, Op. 31: Cantique des Cantiques, No. 13
  16. Sonatine for Piano, Op.61: II: Allegramente
  17. Esquisses, Op. 63: Les Enharmoniques, Book 4, No. 41
  18. Grande Étude, Op.76, No.2: Etude Pour La Main Droite Seule (Introduction, Variations Et Finale)
  19. Nocturne, No. 1, Op. 22
  20. Trois Marches, Op. 37: Marche, No. 1
  21. Esquisses, Op. 63: Les Soupirs, Book 1, No. 11
  22. Esquisses, Op. 63: Increpatio, Book 1, No. 10
  23. Grande sonate, Op.33 "Les quatres âges": IV: Cinquante Ans: Promethee Enchaine
  24. Les Mois, Op. 74, Book 2, No. 3: Promenade Sur L'eau
  25. Preludes, Op. 31: Petit Rien, No. 11
  26. Preludes, Op. 31: Le Temps Qui N'est Plus, No. 12
  27. Esquisses, Op. 63: En Songe, Book 4, No. 48
  28. Preludes, Op. 31: Dans le Genre Gothique, No. 15
  29. Grande sonate, Op.33 "Les quatres âges": II: Trente Ans: Quasi-Faust
  30. Esquisses, Op. 63: Les Cloches, Book 1, No. 4
  31. Études dans tous les tons mineurs, Op.39: III: Scherzo Diabolico (Prestissimo)
  32. Études dans tous les tons mineurs, Op.39: II: En Rythme Molossique (Risoluto)
  33. Grande sonate, Op.33 "Les quatres âges": I. Vingt Ans
  34. Gigue, Op. 24
  35. Grande sonate, Op.33 "Les quatres âges": III: Quarante Ans: Un Heureux Menage
  36. Esquisses, Op. 63: Delire, Book 5, No. 29
  37. Trente Chants, Op. 38, Book 2: Allegretto ("Fa")
  38. Sonatine for Piano, Op.61: I: Allegro Vivace
  39. Sonatine for Piano, Op.61: III: Scherzo-Minuetto
  40. Grande Étude, Op.76, No.1: Etude Pour La Main Gauche Seule (Fantaisie)
  41. Étude de bravoure (Scherzo), Op.16, No.2: Moderato (Quasi Minuetto)
  42. Allegro Barbaro (12 Etudes Dans Tous Les Tons Majeurs, Op.35, No.5)
  43. La Chanson De La Folle Au Bord De La Mer (Preludes, Op.31, No.8)
  44. Grande Étude, Op.76, No.3: Etude Pour Les Mains Reunies (Mouvement Semblable Et Perpetuel)
  45. Études dans tous les tons mineurs, Op.39: I: Comme Le Vent (Prestissimamente)
  46. Le Tambour Bat aux Champs, Op. 50, No. 2
  47. Études dans tous les tons mineurs, Op.39: IV: Le Frestin D'Esope (Allegretto Senza Licenza Quantunque)
  48. Esquisses, Op. 63: Morituri te Salutant, Book 2, No. 21
  49. Les Mois, Op. 74, Book 1, No. 2: Carnaval
  50. Étude de bravoure (Scherzo), Op.16, No.3: Prestissimo
  51. Test 6B: Sight-singing - Practice Tests 1-18
  52. Test 7A: Melodic memory: two-part - Practice Tests 1-14
  53. Test 7B: Sight-singing - Introduction
  54. Test 6C: Cadences - Practice Tests 1-16
  55. Test 7c (I) & (Ii): Chords and Cadences - Practice Tests 1-15
  56. Test 7d: Listening to Music With Understanding - Practice Tests 1-7
  57. Test 7B: Sight-singing - Practice Tests 1-6
  58. Test 6A: Melodic Memory: Two-Part - Introduction
  59. Test 6A: Melodic Memory: Two-Part - Practice Tests 1-16
  60. Test 6C: Cadences - Introduction
  61. Test 7d: Listening to Music With Understanding - Introduction
  62. Test 7c (Iii): Modulation - Introduction
  63. Test 8c: Modulation - Practice Tests 1-6
  64. Test 8b: Sight-Singing - Introduction
  65. Test 8a: Melodic Memory (Three-Part) And Identifying Chords and Cadences - Practice Tests 1-5
  66. Test 8d: Listening to Music With Understanding - Introduction
  67. Test 7b: Sight-Singing (Continued) - Practice Tests - 7-17
  68. Test 6D: Listening to music with understanding - Practice Tests 1-7
  69. Test 7A: Melodic memory: two-part - Introduction
  70. Test 8c: Modulation - Introduction
  71. Introduction to Grade 6
  72. Introduction to Grade 7
  73. Introduction to Grade 8
  74. Test 8a: Melodic Memory (Three-Part) And Identifying Chords and Cadences - Introduction
  75. Test 6D: Listening to music with understanding - Introduction
  76. Test 8d: Listening to Music With Understanding - Practice Tests 1-5
  77. Test 8b: Sight-Singing - Practice Tests 1-11
  78. Test 6B: Sight-singing - Introduction
  79. Test 7c (Iii): Modulation - Practice Tests 1-11
  80. Test 7c (I) & (Ii): Chords and Cadences - Introduction


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