
Robert Jordan Songtexte
Chapter 4: Into Cairhien

Geboren am 17. Oktober 1948, Gestorben am 16. September 2007


  1. Chapter 16: The Deeps
  2. Hanging Pictures
  3. That, I Am
  4. Chapter 4: Into Cairhien
  5. Hidden Photographs
  6. Robert Talks…
  7. The Sun Has Set
  8. Chapter 19 - Gambits G
  9. Chapter 9: A Pair of Silverpike
  10. Prologue: Lightnings (Part 2)
  11. Interlude
  12. Chapter 39: Promises to Keep
  13. Chapter 6: Old Fear, and New Fear
  14. Chapter 25: An Answer
  15. Gypsy Curiosa
  16. Chapter 21 - Embers and Ash B
  17. Chapter 21 - Embers and Ash A
  18. Chapter 22: Small Sacrifices
  19. Chapter 15: Into Canluum
  20. Chapter 19 - Gambits F
  21. Chapter 20: Patterns Within Patterns
  22. Chapter 40: Spears
  23. Chapter 19: Diamonds and Stars
  24. Chapter 6: Surprises
  25. Chapter 26: The Irrevocable Words
  26. Chapter 17: The Triumph of Logic
  27. Chapter 5: The Human Heart
  28. Chapter 13: The Bowl of the Winds
  29. Chapter 8: Shreds of Serenity
  30. Rooftops
  31. Chapter 25: Mindtrap
  32. Chapter 23: The Evening Star
  33. Chapter 19 - Gambits E
  34. Chapter 41: A Crown of Swords
  35. Chapter 4: Leaving the Tower
  36. Chapter 17: An Arrival
  37. Chapter 19: Pond Water
  38. Chapter 23: Next Door to a Weaver
  39. [unknown]
  40. Chapter 32: Sealed to the Flame
  41. Chapter 20: Breakfast in Mana
  42. Chapter 30: The First Cup
  43. Chapter 33: A Bath
  44. Chapter 18: As the Plow Breaks the Earth
  45. Chapter 26: When To Surrender
  46. Prologue: Lightnings (Part 3)
  47. Chapter 11: An Oath
  48. Chapter 31: Mashiara
  49. Chapter 28: Bread and Cheese
  50. Chapter 24: The Kin
  51. Chapter 19 - Gambits D
  52. Chapter 2: The Butcher's Yard
  53. [untitled]
  54. Chapter 15: Insects
  55. Chapter 37: A Note from the Palace
  56. Chapter 29: The Festival of Birds
  57. Chapter 14: Changes
  58. Chapter 10: It Finishes
  59. Chapter 19 - Gambits H
  60. Chapter 2: A Wish Fulfilled
  61. Chapter 3: Hill of the Golden Dawn
  62. Chapter 18: A Narrow Passage
  63. Chapter 14: White Plumes
  64. Zato Sto Hocu
  65. Chapter 7: The Itch
  66. Chapter 24: Making Use of Invisibility
  67. Midnight
  68. Chapter 21: Swovan Night
  69. Chapter 22: Keeping Custom
  70. Chapter 3: Practice
  71. Chapter 1: High Chasaline
  72. Time Will Come
  73. Chapter 27: To Be Alone
  74. Sixth Distric
  75. Chapter 16: A Touch on the Cheek
  76. Chapter 1: The Hook
  77. Chapter 36: Blades
  78. Chapter 38: Six Stories
  79. Epilogue
  80. Chapter 11: Just Before Dawn
  81. Chapter 35: Into the Woods
  82. Chapter 9: It Begins
  83. All I Know
  84. Chapter 10: Unseen Eyes
  85. Chapter 7: Pitfalls and Tripwires
  86. Chapter 13: Business in the City
  87. Chapter 8: The Figurehead
  88. Prologue: Lightnings (Part 1)
  89. Chapter 34: Ta'veren
  90. Chapter 21: Some Tricks of the Power
  91. Chapter 12: A Morning of Victory
  92. Chapter 12: Entering Home
  93. Chapter 20 - On a Broken Road A
  94. Chapter 20 - On a Broken Road B
  95. Chapter 20 - On a Broken Road C
  96. Chapter 20 - On a Broken Road D
  97. Light a Fire
  98. Chapter 20 - On a Broken Road E
  99. Chapter 5: A Broken Crown
  100. Chapter 07: The Way Out of the Mountains
  101. Chapter 20: Visitaions
  102. Chapter 45: Blademaster
  103. Chapter 09: Decisions
  104. Chapter 14: Customs of Mayene
  105. Chapter 39: A Cup of Wine 47:
  106. Chapter 30: Beyond the Oak 27:
  107. Chapter 13: Punishments
  108. Chapter 05: The Shadow in Sheinar
  109. Chapter 52: In Search of a Remedy
  110. Chapter 12: The Amyrlin Seat
  111. Chapter 10: The Hunt Begins
  112. Chapter 37: Fires in Cairhien
  113. Chapter 50: Traps 45:
  114. Chapter 34: The Wheel Weaves
  115. Chapter 32: The First Ship
  116. Chapter 31: On the Scent
  117. Chapter 53: A Flow of Spirit
  118. Chapter 34: A Different Dance
  119. Chapter 54: Into the Stone
  120. Chapter 33: Within the Weave
  121. Chapter 41: Among the Tuatha'an 24:
  122. Chapter 43: A Plan
  123. Chapter 47: The Truth of a Viewing 1:
  124. Chapter 16: In the Mirror of Darkness
  125. Chapter 15: Into the Doorway
  126. Chapter 48: First Claiming
  127. Chapter 56: People of the Dragon
  128. Chapter 11: Glimmers of the Pattern
  129. Chapter 32: Questions to Be Asked 37:
  130. Chapter 40: Hunter of Trollocs 35:
  131. Chapter 16: Leavetakings
  132. Prologue: Fortress of the Light
  133. Chapter 11: Tar Valon
  134. Chapter 24: Rhuidean 35:
  135. Chapter 13: Rumors
  136. Chapter 35: The Falcon
  137. Chapter 49: A Storm in Tear
  138. Chapter 28: A New Thread in the Pattern
  139. Chapter 35: Sharp Lessons 34:
  140. Chapter 39: Threads in the Pattern
  141. Chapter 06: Doorways
  142. Chapter 46: A Message Out of the Shadow
  143. Chapter 08: Jarra
  144. Chapter 09: Wolf Dreams
  145. Chapter 02: Saidin
  146. Chapter 55: Into the Deep
  147. Chapter 39: Flight From the White Tower
  148. Chapter 03: News from the Plain
  149. Chapter 31: The Woman of Tanchico
  150. Chapter 01: Seeds of Shadow
  151. Chapter 17: Choices
  152. Chapter 09: Leavetakings
  153. Chapter 38: Practice
  154. Chapter 46: Veils 51:
  155. Chapter 19: The Wavedancer
  156. Chapter 47: To Race the Shadow
  157. Chapter 16: Hunters Three
  158. Chapter 33: A New Weave in the Pattern 55:
  159. Chapter 20: Winds Rising
  160. Chapter 21: The Nine Rings
  161. Chapter 18: To the White Tower
  162. Chapter 18: Healing
  163. Chapter 05: Nightmares Walking
  164. Chapter 40: A Hero in the Night
  165. Chapter 48: An Offer Refused 36:
  166. Chapter 02: Whirlpools in the Pattern
  167. Chapter 01: The Flame of Tar Valon
  168. Chapter 42: Falme
  169. Chapter 15: The Gray Man
  170. Chapter 03: Reflection
  171. Chapter 51: Bait for the Net
  172. Chapter 42: Easing the Badger
  173. Chapter 49: Cold Rocks Hold 39:
  174. Chapter 23: Sealed
  175. Chapter 44: Five Will Ride Forth
  176. Chapter 13: From Stone to Stone
  177. Chapter 26: Discord
  178. Chapter 25: The Road to the Spear 45:
  179. Chapter 33: A Message From the Dark
  180. Chapter 23: Beyond the Stone
  181. Chapter 50: After
  182. Chapter 46: To Come Out of the Shadow
  183. Chapter 28: To the Tower of Ghenjei 28:
  184. Chapter 07: Playing With Fire
  185. Chapter 10: The Stone Stands
  186. Chapter 02: The Welcome
  187. Chapter 20: Saidin
  188. Chapter 31: Assurances 50:
  189. Chapter 04: Strings
  190. Chapter 22: The Price of the Ring
  191. Chapter 30: Daes Dae'mar
  192. Chapter 06: The Hunt Begins
  193. Chapter 24: New Friends and Old Enemies
  194. Chapter 26: Behind a Lock
  195. Chapter 37: Imre Stand 53:
  196. Chapter 32: Dangerous Words
  197. Chapter 19: Awakening
  198. Chapter 08: The Dragon Reborn
  199. Chapter 15: Kinslayer
  200. Chapter 48: Following the Craft
  201. Chapter 45: Caemlyn
  202. Chapter 08: Hard Heads
  203. Chapter 41: Disagreements
  204. Chapter 14: Wolf Brother
  205. Chapter 45: The Tinker's Sword 47:
  206. Chapter 25: Questions
  207. Chapter 54: Into the Palace 56:
  208. Chapter 44: Hunted
  209. Chapter 27: The Shadow in the Night
  210. Chapter 11: What Lies Hidden
  211. Chapter 29: Seanchan
  212. Chapter 29: Homecoming 37:
  213. Chapter 43: Care for the Living 24:
  214. Chapter 04: Shadows Sleeping
  215. Chapter 07: Blood Calls Blood
  216. Chapter 05: Questioners
  217. Chapter 36: Misdirections 34:
  218. Chapter 12: Woven in the Pattern
  219. Chapter 52: Need 54:
  220. Chapter 03: Friends and Enemies
  221. Chapter 55: What Is Written in Prophecy
  222. Chapter 12: Tanchico or the Tower
  223. Chapter 49: What Was Meant To Be
  224. Chapter 50: The Hammer
  225. Chapter 37: What Might Be
  226. Chapter 51: Revelations in Tanchico 43:
  227. Chapter 36: Among the Elders
  228. Chapter 44: The Breaking Storm 33:
  229. Chapter 21: Into the Heart
  230. Chapter 57: A Breaking in the Three-Fold Land
  231. Chapter 38: Maidens of the Spear
  232. Chapter 40: Damane
  233. Chapter 18: Into the Ways
  234. Chapter 43: Shadow Brothers
  235. Chapter 21: A World of Dreams
  236. Chapter 17: The Red Sister
  237. Chapter 26: The Dedicated 55:
  238. Chapter 28: A Way Out
  239. Chapter 17: Deceptions
  240. Chapter 41: A Hunters Oath
  241. Chapter 23: The Testing
  242. Chapter 30: The First Toss
  243. Chapter 22: Out of the Stone
  244. Chapter 25: Cairhien
  245. Chapter 27: Within the Ways 30:
  246. Prologue: In the Shadow
  247. Chapter 01: Waiting
  248. Chapter 10: Secrets
  249. Chapter 24: Scouting and Discoveries
  250. Chapter 27: Tel'aran'rhiod
  251. Chapter 29: A Trap to Spring
  252. Chapter 19: Beneath the Dagger
  253. Chapter 56: Goldeneyes 56:
  254. Chapter 42: A Missing Leaf 41:
  255. Chapter 38: Hidden Faces
  256. Chapter 22: Watchers
  257. Chapter 06: Dark Prophecy
  258. Chapter 58: The Traps of Rhuidean
  259. Chapter 47: The Grave Is No Bar to My Call
  260. Chapter 04: Summoned
  261. Chapter 35: Stedding Tsofu
  262. Chapter 53: The Price of a Departure 52:
  263. Chapter 36: Daughter of the Night
  264. Chapter 14: The Bite of the Thorns
  265. Chapter 34: He Who Comes With the Dawn
  266. 1
  267. 17
  268. 18
  269. 19
  270. 13
  271. 14
  272. 15
  273. 16
  274. 10
  275. 11
  276. 12
  277. 21
  278. 20
  279. 9
  280. 8
  281. 7
  282. 6
  283. 5
  284. 4
  285. 3
  286. 2
  287. The Fires of Heaven
  288. Chapter 29: A Cup of Sleep
  289. Chapter 10: Changes
  290. Chapter 18: A Peculiar Calling
  291. Chapter 7: A Goatpen
  292. Chapter 5: The Breaking Storm
  293. Prologue: Deceptive Appearances
  294. Chapter 27: The Bargain
  295. Chapter 28: Crimsonthorn
  296. Chapter 9: Tangles
  297. Chapter 2: Unweaving
  298. Chapter 6: Threads
  299. Chapter 14: Message from the M'Hael
  300. Chapter 23: Fog of War, Storm of Battle
  301. Chapter 1: To Keep the Bargain
  302. Chapter 21: Answering the Summons
  303. Chapter 22: Gathering Clouds
  304. Chapter 4: A Quiet Place
  305. Chapter 13: Floating Like Snow
  306. Chapter 16: Unexplained Absences
  307. Chapter 30: Beginnings
  308. Chapter 11: Questions and an Oath
  309. Chapter 8: A Simple Country Woman
  310. Chapter 19: The Law
  311. Chapter 15: Stronger than Written Law
  312. Chapter 17: Out on the Ice
  313. Chapter 31: After
  314. Chapter 20: Into Andor
  315. Chapter 24: A Time for Iron
  316. Chapter 12: New Alliances
  317. Chapter 25: An Unwelcome Return
  318. Chapter 26: The Extra Bit
  319. Chapter 3: A Pleasant Ride
  320. Disk17-2
  321. Disk17-3
  322. Disk17-1
  323. Disk17-4
  324. Disk17-5
  325. Disk17-6
  326. Disk17-7
  327. Disk17-8
  328. Disk17-9
  329. Disk17-12
  330. Disk17-11
  331. Disk17-10


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