Ramifications LP
Mehr Songtexte

- Down Here
- Get Off the Shed
- Sleep to Enjoy
- Next Time
- Safe to Say
- Not My Place
- Come Around
- My Return to the Sun
- Immature Amateur
- Under The Lights
- Syncopation
- Sample Me 8.1
- Sample Me 9.1
- Sample Me 11
- Unspoken Divide
- Conform to What
- A Certain Sound
- Deep Sleep
- Jailbreak (House Tip)
- ...Leave Our Planet
- No Texture
- Filmscape
- A Black Sun
- Coaxial
- Sample Me.12
- Sample Me.13
- Too Dissimilar
- Dioxide 170873
- Curse of Coincidence
- Pandemonium
- They Choose to Perplex
- Pride of Sixtynine
- New Statement
- Sample Me. 1
- Sample Me. 2
- Existentialism
- Scanners
- Nostalgia
- One Step Beyond
- Give the Drummer Some
- Future's Extinction
- Drumderf
- Less Worse (WeChooseToPerplex)
- Idiosyncrasies
- Not for Outsiders
- Cuba
- Paragon of Virtue
- A Certain Sound (Drumworkz VIP)
- Futures Extinction
- Black 69 [version]
- Black Sun
- Ambiguity
- Incubate
- Isotoxal
- Hologram
- 8 Track
- Paralexia
- Perhaps the Future
- Rivet
- Breakdown
- Aphorismic
- 96 Paragons
- 96 Paragon
- Watchful Eye
- 66-32°N
- Reinstate
- Dirty City
- Hold the Beat
- Sample Me.7
- Odissea
- Marxism
- No Consensus
- Sample Me.6
- Unnatural Causes
- Chords + Dischords
- Sample Me.5
- Jupiter 89
- I Led You
- Drum Machine
- The Musician as Outsider CD Rom
- Crate Logic
- Scorpius
- Divination
- Rockdown
- Kickdat
- Breaker
- The Bolide
- Dioxan
- Toprock
- Orion
- Future’s Extinction
- Decagon
- Octa4
- Hakai
- Proceed
- 7Arc
- Soviet
- X1
- Y1
- X4
- Y4
- X5
- Y5
- X2
- Y2
- X3
- Y3
- X8
- Y8
- X6
- Y6
- X7
- Y7
- Streetbeat
- Drum Throne
- Desolator
- Kampala
- Nord
- Kenai
- Play Twice Before Listening
- Tighten Up Tighter
- Reykjavik
- Aries Maze
- The Ultimate Negative
- Breakbeater
- Detronic
- Core Jungle