Mehr Songtexte

- Symbol Sickness II
- [untitled]
- Symbol Sickness
- Moccasins Kissing
- Everglades Mega Mix
- Duckie
- Bubblegum Crisis Intervention
- No Delay for Days
- XxCedarsxX
- Ditonic Idiocy
- Basil
- I Don't Know Why
- Xxbroken shitxX
- Terminal Yello Original
- XxShitty Pic ArchivexX
- 606 Wish
- XxparalellsxX
- Thad's Little Mix Dink to Telewarp
- XxJust RelaxX
- Terminal Black
- Extra Credit
- Tape Deck A.C. Ashtray
- Sugar on the Brain
- Exploding Ducky
- Pompano Beach
- Homesickness
- Life
- Wiccan Bitch
- Gatorfroggiefish
- Terminal Rust
- Motion Sickness
- Working Man's Break
- The Robots Are Coming to Kill Us
- Monkey With a Gun
- Seas of Stone
- Die U Narcicist IDM Stonerdrunk
- Beat Bot
- Lucifer's Lexus