
- Interlute
- Now I Ain't Got No Face
- Paisley Brain Bolts of the Mind
- China Shop Raid
- Fall for a Cliche
- Planet
- Direction
- (Love Theme From) Crane of Fear
- Going to Hollywood
- Not in Your Town
- Tribute to Elvis Boogie
- That Girl's Got a Mind of Her Own
- Somebody Else's Feelings
- These Women Are My Enemies
- Tribute to Elvis Ii
- Oh, to Be on Heroin
- Ream Me Like You Mean It
- When Love Turns to Shove
- Snog (I Won't Even Call It a Song)
- Big Excitement
- Brats in Agreement
- Crocodile Tears
- Song a Girl Would Sing
- Twisted Brain
- No Orchestra Required
- Groovy Daddy
- When She Has Her Coffee
- Me and Warren Beatty (And Mick Jagger)
- Work, Drink, Fuck, Die
- 1894 Theme
- Sakatchewan
- Let's Whine Like Big Babies
- Be Like Us
- Can I Please Take the Drugs Now?
- Another Loathsome Date
- Snivel
- Negroes Have Eaten You
- Toll for the Troll
- Talkin Bout the Mundane
- Jah Seh (Veni, Vidi, Vici)
- I'm Not Taking Suzy to the Be-In
- Ambivalence (Gets Me)
- Say It With Mink
- Do the Girl
- Love in a Taxicab
- Holding David M. Hostage
- Tribute to No Fun
- Tyger
- Uptight and Anxious
- Blue Lust
- Rodents Fair
- To Hell With the Past
- Bob Jones 597