The Best of Super Hang, Volume 1
- Opening Theme
- Not Just Airport Jokes (From Daniel Dad Lewis)
- Hyena Ugly (From Superman Loves Aquaman)
- General Military (From Angry Birds)
- Free Prostitution (From Line, Sync, And Hooker)
- The Kardashians Are Forgotten (From Superhero Bidet)
- Locker Cake Teacup Ride (From Cownsensual)
- Male Intimacy (From Relax Against the Machine)
- Plane Crash Mountain (From Nobody Gets Drunk or Shows Their Boobs)
- Memorable Childhood Moment (From Friendtors)
- Cher
- Closing Theme
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- Spectrum of Dorkery
- Tolerance and Vampires
- Differences and Similarities
- A Cell Phone and a Deaf Child
- Drinking and Rhyming
- Squelch
- Bumper Stickers
- A Divisive Topic
- Anti-Women and Math
- Anti-Drugs and Pro-Drugs
- Colleges and Optimism
- Bigotry Is Confusing
- Religious Fiction
- Jews and Sea Creatures
- Animal Rights and Wrongs
- Movies On a Plane
- Gay Marriage and Anniversaries
- Pro-Women
- Computers and Humans
- Flags and Lies
- Ducks and Vegetarianism
- Book People
- Not Crowdwork
- Names
- Buses and Christians