Mehr Songtexte

- Trying to Be Edgy
- Gay Rights
- McCain and Texas
- Obama and Hitler!
- God Hates Fags
- Angry Old Dude at the Show
- Friendly Comedy
- Drugs vs. Booze
- Republican Comedians
- White People Are Awful
- Idiot Christians
- Political Comedians
- Sarah Palin Is Awful
- Dear Army
- Religion
- Banned From Clubs
- Gun Lobby
- Heaven
- Confronted by the Army
- Hack Comedy
- Drugs
- A Drunken Asshole Attempts to Start Shit With Me. It Does Not Go Well.
- Islam
- Why I Lit My Radio on Fire and Threw It Out the Window
- Stop Being Homophobic Turds
- Zombie Jesus
- Wal-Mart and Masturbation
- When You Bomb Several Countries Bad Shit Happens
- Comics Don't Get Along With Their Fathers
- Beat the Gay
- Church of the Smiling Vagina!
- Sanctity of Marriage
- Soulmates
- Idiot Muslims
- John McCain
- Odd Laws
- Taxes
- Mormons
- My Sweet Nerdy Audience
- I Get Death Threats and End Up at a Cowboy Convention
- Handjobs, Hotdogs and Abortions
- Opener of a Failed Comic
- Glenn Beck Called Me Out When He Mattered
- New Yorkers Aren't Assholes, Followed by Me Saying Horrible Asshole Things
- Slutty Homophobes
- White People Are Going to Be Fine
- Possible Death Threat to the Worst Band in the World
- Get Off My Lawn Porn
- Citizen Radio
- Dude Bros Get Super Mad When You Say Rape Is Bad
- Liberal Racists
- Quitting Comedy Clubs
- Two Sad Stories
- Fat-Shaming Cats
- Cum Baby Vagina Monster
- Sober Vegan Party Time
- Atheist
- Opener of a Failed Comedian