
- Star Search
- Dance of the Seventh Hill (Powerdub)
- Illuminated - Drum Club
- Ping Pong - Speedy J
- Tribal Warrior - Sonic Fusion
- Forgotten Rites - Eat Static
- Alienated - Earth Nation
- TGV - Sublime
- Funkdafino - Gypsy
- Aruna - Star Sounds Orchestra
- Good Morning Angel - Pilgrims Of The Mind
- Dream To Become - Palefield Mountain
- Lazer Worshippers Theme - Lazer Worshipper
- Re-Fuse - Co-Fusion
- Quexos - Rac
- Cactus - Art Of Trance
- The Ride
- Moontribe
- Osmium
- Moons Moon
- Technology
- Moontone
- Mesmerized
- Bottles
- Dance of the Seventh Hill (full vocal)
- Dance of the Seventh Hill
- Underground City
- Dance of the Seventh Hill (Power dub)
- Encore