Mikhail Glinka Songtexte
Die Lerche
The Lark
Traveling Song
Geboren am 01. Juni 1804, Gestorben am 15. Februar 1857
ARSM I, vol. 1. Glinka (Compilation)
- Waltz‐Fantasia in B minor (von USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov)
- Spanish Overture no. 1 “Capriccio Brilliante on the Jota Aragonesa” (von USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov)
- Spanish Overture no. 2 “Recollection of a Summer Night in Madrid” (von USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov)
- Symphony on Two Russian Themes (von USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov)
- Initial Polka (von USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov)
- Andante cantabile and Rondo in D minor (von USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov)
ARSM I, vol. 2. Glinka (Compilation)
- A Life for the Tsar (Ivan Susanin): Overture (von USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov)
- A Life for the Tsar (Ivan Susanin): Krakowiak (von USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov)
- A Life for the Tsar (Ivan Susanin): Mazurka (von USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov)
- A Life for the Tsar (Ivan Susanin): Waltz (von USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov)
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Overture (von USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov)
- Ruslan and Lyudmila, Act III: no. 15, Dances (von USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov)
- Ruslan and Lyudmila, Act IV: no. 20, Oriental Dances - Turkish Dance (von USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov)
- Ruslan and Lyudmila, Act IV: no. 20, Oriental Dances - Arabic Dance (von USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov)
- Ruslan and Lyudmila, Act IV: no. 20, Oriental Dances - Lezginka (von USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov)
- Ruslan and Lyudmila, Act IV: no. 19, Chernomor’s March (von USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov)
- Prince Kholmsky: Overture (von USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov)
- Prince Kholmsky: Interlude to Act II (von USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov)
- Prince Kholmsky: Interlude to Act III (von USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov)
- Prince Kholmsky: Interlude to Act IV (von USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov)
- Prince Kholmsky: Interlude to Act V (von USSR State Symphony Orchestra, Evgeny Svetlanov)
Complete Piano Music, Volume 1
- Nocturne in E flat Major
- Three Fugues: Fugue in E flat major
- Three Fugues: Fugue in A minor
- Three Fugues: Fugue in D major
- Valse-fantaisie in B minor
- La Séparation, Nocturne in F minor
- Four Musical Essays: Souvenir d'une mazurka in B flat major
- Four Musical Essays: Variations on a Scottish theme (The Last Rose of Summer)
- Four Musical Essays: Barcarolle in G major
- Four Musical Essays: Prière in A major
- Ruslan and Ludmila: Finn's Ballad
- Ruslan and Ludmila: Chorus of the Magic Maidens
- Children's polka in B flat major
- Variations on a theme by Mozart in E flat major
Ruslan and Ludmila, Fantasia on Glinka's Theme
- Overture - excerpt
- Introduction - Bayan's Song
- Ludmila's cavatina
- Chorus - Glory to Our Bright Prince
- Finn's Scene and Ballade
- Ruslan and the Head - The Head's Tale
- Naina's Castle - Persian Chorus
- Ludmilla's Scene and Aria
- Chorus - The Unexpected Newcomer Will Die
- Scene from the Picture 4
- Finale of the Opera
- Epilogue - Bayan's Song
- Overture - excerpt
Mehr Songtexte

- A Life for the Tsar: Act IV. "Bednyj kon' v pole pal"
- Ivan Susanin: Act III. Entr'acte
- Ivan Susanin: Act III. Wedding chorus
- A Life for the Tsar: Act IV. "Davno li s sem'ej svoej"
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act III. "O moi Ratmir! Ty zdes' opyat'"
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act II. "Dobro pozhalovat', moi syn!"
- Chorus
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act III. Dances
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act II. "O pole, pole!"
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act IV. Oriental Dance No. 1 "Turkish Dance": Allegretto
- Act 4: 1. Entr'acte
- Act 5: 1. Recitative
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act IV. "Akh ty dolya, dolyushka"
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act IV. Oriental Dance No. 3 "Lesginka"
- 3. Finale of Act 1: My dearest children
- A Life for the Tsar: Act III. "Antonida! Milye deti!"
- Tarantella in A minor
- A Life for the Tsar: Epilogue. "Slav'sja, slav'sja, naš Russkij Car'!"
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act II. "Ya ves' drozhu'"
- Valse mélodique
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act I. "Chada rodimye!"
- 9. Scene with the Head: Who wanders here?
- Ivan Susanin: Act I. Scene and chorus
- Ivan Susanin: Act I. Introduction
- 5 Nouvelles quadrilles francaises in D major
- Memory of a summer night in Madrid
- A Life for the Tsar: Act I. "Čto gadat' o svad'be"
- Overture
- Polonaise in E major
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act III. "Vityazi! Kovarnaya Naina"
- A Life for the Tsar: I. Cracoviak
- 2. Cavatina: O dear father, I am sad
- 16. Finale of Act 3: O, my Ratmir
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act I. "Dela davno minuvsikh"
- Valse-Fantaisie
- Mazurka in C minor
- 5. Finale of Act 5
- Mazurka in A-flat major / Mazurka in F major / Mazurka in F major
- A Life for the Tsar: Act II. "Otkuda?"
- A Life for the Tsar: Act II. Mazurka
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Overture
- Ivan Susanin: Act IV. Entr'acte
- A Life for the Tsar: Act IV. Entr'acte
- Knights! The treacherous Naina
- 2. Romance
- 14. Aria 1: Night's shadows replace the day's baking heat
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act I. "Chto sluchilos'?"
- Ivan Susanin: Act IV. Recitative und finale
- Ivan Susanin: Act III. Finale
- The Skylark (No. 10 from "A farewell to St. Petersburg") (arr. Mily Balakirev)
- Kamarinskaia
- 6. Duettino: Thank you, miraculous protector
- Cotillon in B-flat major
- Ivan Susanin: Act I. Scene, terzet and chorus
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act IV. "Vdali ot milogo"
- A Life for the Tsar: II. Pas de quatre
- Whom have the gods sent us?
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act I. "Grustno mne, roditel' dorogoi!"
- Act 2: 4. Entr'acte
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act IV. Oriental Dance No. 2 "Arabian Dance": Allegro con spirito
- A Life for the Tsar: Act I. "V burju, vo grozu"
- A Life for the Tsar: Act III. "Čto takoe? Kak poljaki"
- Ivan Susanin: Act I. Antonida's cavatina und Rondo
- Ivan Susanin: Act III. Antonida's romance
- Contredanse in D major "La couventine"
- Bolero in D minor (No. 3 from "A farewell to St. Petersburg")
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act III. "I zhar, i znoi smenila nochi ten'"
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act IV. Entr'acte
- A Life for the Tsar: Act III. "Kak mat' ubili"
- Galopade in E-flat major
- 4. Duet
- Ruslan and Ludmilla: II. March of Chernomar
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act II. "Nas bylo dvoe, brat moi i ya"
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act V. "Kogo nam bogi shluyt?"
- Ivan Susanin: Act I. Ouverture
- Variations on a Theme from Mozart's "Die Zauberflöte" in E-flat major
- Jota aragonaise
- A Life for the Tsar: Epilogue. Entr'acte
- Valse favorite
- Oriental Dances
- Mazurka in C major
- Ivan Susanin: Act IV. Susanin's aria
- Contredanse in G major
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act V. "Chto slyshu ya? Lyudmila net?"
- Epilogue
- A Life for the Tsar: Act II. "Bog vojny posle bitv"
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act V. "Ona mne zizn', ona mne radost!"
- 13. Cavatina: What sweet sounds floated toward me?
- Finale of Act 4
- A Life for the Tsar: Epilogue. "Slav'sja, slav'sja, svataja Rus'!"
- Ivan Susanin: Act IV. Scene und chorus
- 10. Finale of Act 2: Tale of the Head: We were two, my brother and I
- Glory to the great gods
- A Life for the Tsar: Act III. "Itak, ja dožil, slava Bogu"
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act IV. March of Chernomor
- Ivan Susanin: Act III. Scene and chorus
- A Life for the Tsar: III. Polonaise
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act I. "Est' pustynnyi kraj"
- What Has Happened?
- Ivan Susanin: Act IV. Vanya's recitative and aria with chorus
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act V. "Slava velikim bogam!"
- Ivan Susanin: Act II. Mazurka und finale
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act III. Entr'acte
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act V. Entr'acte
- Variations on the Terzetto from Glinka's Opera "A Life for the Tsar" (arr. Alexandr Gourilyov)
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act II. "Blagodaryu tebya, moi divnyi"
- A Life for the Tsar: Act III. "Razguljalasja, razlivalasja"
- A Life for the Tsar: Act II. Cracovienne
- 7. Scene and Rondo: I am shaking all over
- Ivan Susanin: Act III. Vanya's song and duet of Vanya with Susanin
- Disenchantment
- Scene and Aria
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act IV. "Pogibnet, nezhdannyj prishlets!"
- A Life for the Tsar: Act IV. "Davno li odnoj"
- A Life for the Tsar: Act IV. "Čujut pravdu!"
- Ivan Susanin: Act II. Polonaise
- A Life for the Tsar: Act III. "Ne o tom skorblju, popdružen'ki"
- 8. Aria: O field, o field
- Ivan Susanin: Act II. Cracovienne
- 3. Chorus
- A Life for the Tsar: Act III. "My na rabotu v les"
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act V. "Akh ty svet, Lyudmila!"
- A Life for the Tsar: Act III. Entr'acte
- 15. Dances
- Andalusian Dance "Las Mollares"
- Act 3: 12. Persian Chorus: Night is falling on the field
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act III. "Kakie sladostnye zvuki"
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act II. "Blizok uz chas torzhestva moego"
- A Life for the Tsar: Act IV. "Ustali my!"
- Ruslan and Ludmilla: I. Overture
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act IV. "Pobeda, pobeda, Lyudimila"
- Proshchal'niy val's (Farewell Waltz)
- Mazurka in G major
- Ivan Susanin: Act III. Chorus of the peasants
- A Life for the Tsar: Act I. "Radost' bezmernaja!"
- Chernomor's March
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act V. "Vsyo tikho!"
- A Life for the Tsar: Act I. Overture
- 5. Ballad: Welcome my son
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act III. "Lozhitsya v pole mrak"
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act II. "Kto zdes' bluzdaet"
- A Life for the Tsar: Act II. Dances
- A Life for the Tsar: Act I. "V pole, v pole čistoe gljažu"
- A Life for the Tsar: Epilogue. "Vse ta že toska, pečal' v duše!"
- Grande Valse in G major
- Act 1: 1. Introduction: Deeds of bygone days
- Ivan Susanin: Act III. Quartet
- Polka in D minor
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act II. "Dai, Perun, bulatnyi mech"
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act II. Entr'acte
- Russlan and Ludmilla: Overture
- Doubt, G. x176
- Do not tempt me needlessly
- Potpourri From Glinka's Opera "Ruslan and Liudmila"
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Chernomor's March
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Knights! The treacherous Naina
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act 1: 1. Introduction: Deeds of bygone days
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: 10. Finale of Act 2: Tale of the Head: We were two, my brother and I
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: 8. Aria: O field, o field
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: 3. Chorus
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act 5: 1. Recitative
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Finale of Act 4
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Oriental Dances
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: 3. Finale of Act 1: My dearest children
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: 2. Romance
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: 6. Duettino: Thank you, miraculous protector
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act 2: 4. Entr'acte
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: 14. Aria 1: Night's shadows replace the day's baking heat
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: What Has Happened?
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: 13. Cavatina: What sweet sounds floated toward me?
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Whom have the gods sent us?
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: 4. Duet
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: 5. Finale of Act 5
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act 3: 12. Persian Chorus: Night is falling on the field
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Chorus
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: 7. Scene and Rondo: I am shaking all over
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: 9. Scene with the Head: Who wanders here?
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: 16. Finale of Act 3: O, my Ratmir
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: 2. Cavatina: O dear father, I am sad
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Glory to the great gods
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: 5. Ballad: Welcome my son
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Scene and Aria
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act 4: 1. Entr'acte
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: 15. Dances
- Overture to Russlan and Ludmilla
- Nocturne in F minor, 'La Séparation'
- Ruslan and Lyudmila
- Jota Aragonesa
- The Lark
- Overture to "Russlan & Ludmilla" (c. 1945, conducted by William F. Santelmann)
- Ruslan and Ludmilla: Overture
- Kamarinskaya
- Jota aragonesa (Spanish Overture no. 1)
- Séparation
- Ne iskushay menya bez nuzhdy. Elegiya
- Ya po
- Kak sladko s toboyu mne byt'
- Zhavoronok
- Souvenir d'une Mazurka
- Die Lerche
- Nocturne f-Moll "La Séparation"
- Nocturne for Harp in E-flat major
- Ruslan and Lyudmila: Act 1: Overture
- Nocturne, for Harp (or Piano) in E-flat major, G. VI62
- Russia
- Variations on a theme of Mozart (1822)
- Patriotic Song
- A Life for the Tsar (Ivan Susanin Suite): IV. Mazurka
- Prince Khomlmsky Incidental Music: I. Overture
- A Life for the Tsar (Ivan Susanin Suite): III. Krakoviak
- A Life for the Tsar (Ivan Susanin Suite): II. Polonaise
- Prince Khomlmsky Incidental Music: IV. Entr'acte to Act 4
- Prince Khomlmsky Incidental Music: IV. Entr'acte to Act 5
- Prince Khomlmsky Incidental Music: II. Entr'acte to Act 2
- Prince Khomlmsky Incidental Music: III. Entr'acte to Act 3
- A Life for the Tsar (Ivan Susanin Suite): I. Waltz
- Ruslan & Ludmilla
- Russlan and Ludmila: Overture
- Kamarinskaya, G. ii105
- Overture "Russlan & Ludmilla"
- Overture: Russlan and Ludmilla
- Ruslan and Lyudmila, Lyudmila’s Cavatina: “Grustno mne, roditel’ dorogoy!”
- O Thou Dear, Darling Little Girl
- Doubt
- A Life for the Tsar
- Souvenir
- String Quartet in F major: III. Minuet
- String Quartet in D major: IV. Rondo
- String Quartet in D major: III. Moderato
- String Quartet in F major: I. Allegro spiritoso
- String Quartet in F major: II. Andante con moto
- String Quartet in D major: I. Allegro
- String Quartet in F major: IV. Rondo
- String Quartet in D major: II. Larghetto
- Ruslan and Lyudmila - "Grustno mne, rodite!' dorogoi!" (I am sad, dear father) (act 1)
- Ruslan and Lyudmila - "Nas bylo dvoe, brat moij i yia" (There were two of us, my brother and I) (Giant Head Scene, Act II)
- Russlan and Ludmilla: Farlaf's Rondo
- Ruslan and Ludmilla
- Do Not Tempt Me
- Tell Me Why
- To the Zither
- Fire in My Veins
- Venetian Nights
- Traveling Song
- Rouslan et Ludmila, ouverture
- Skylark
- Patrioticheskaya pyesnya "Patriotic Song"
- Russian And Ludmila Overture
- Trio Pathétique in D minor, G. Iv173: III. Largo
- Trio Pathétique in D minor, G. Iv173: IV. Allegro con spirito
- Trio Pathétique in D minor, G. Iv173: II. Scherzo
- Trio Pathétique in D minor, G. Iv173: 1. Allegro moderato
- Divertimento Brillante on Themes from La Sonnambula by Vincenzo Bellini
- Grand Sextet in E-flat major: I. Allegro
- Grand Sextet in E-flat major: II. Andante - attacca - Allegro con spirito
- Nochnoi Smotr (Midnight Review)
- Waltz-Fantasia in B minor
- A Life for the Tear Overture
- Spanish Overture no. 1 “Capriccio brilliante on the Jote aragonesa”